Page 7 - DRT 2021 January
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the Del E. Webb Center in AZ and Harry           Julian Gordon is excited
     also works with the Passaic Police Dept.         to try his hand at improv
     Youth Service Division. He is a proud            with Dreamcatcher after
     member of AEA and SAG/AFTRA.                     playing Chuck in the last
                                                      mainstage production,
                Laura Ekstrand co-                    Psychodrama! Recently, he
                founded Dreamcatcher with             played Macbeth on tour
                Janet Sales in 1994. She              with STNJ. He has
                has appeared at                       performed Shakespeare in
                Dreamcatcher in The Lucky   Texas, NJ, and Connecticut. He is also a
                Ones, What Stays; Sister   pianist who has the pleasure of working
                                          with actors and musicians everywhere
                Play; Rapture, Blister Burn;   he goes! Thank you to everyone at
                Motherhood Out Loud; and   Dreamcatcher.
                Shakespeare in Vegas,
     among many others, and is a member               Dave Maulbeck is an
     of The Flip Side improv comedy troupe.           entertainment artist based
     New Jersey Theatre: Bickford Theatre,            in New Jersey. He
     Passage Theater, 12 Miles West, The              specializes in comedic
     Theater Project, Luna Stage, and the             acting, guerrilla film
     Pushcart Players. New York Theatre:              production, storytelling,
     Naked Angels, Ensemble Studio Theatre,           and home-brewed
     and New Georges. Film: Fat Ass                   animation. He has starred
                                                      in several commercials,
     Zombies; Split Ends, High Art and I   including the Super Bowl Ad -
     Shot Andy Warhol. Television: Hack,   Groundhog Day, for truTV, and as the
     Sex And The City, Law & Order, and The   Polish Polisher for Burger King. His film
     Guiding Light. As a director: Dead and   credits include, the evil Dr. Wily in
     Buried, Every Brilliant Thing, The How   Megaman, and the main character Doug
     and the Why, Things Being What They   in the short comedy Key Party. He
     Are, Next Fall, Distracted, The Pursuit Of   wrote, directed, and starred as Wuku in
     Happiness, Melancholy Play, Pride’s   Channel 101’s The Tribe. In 2007 Dave
     Crossing, Full Bloom and many others.   co-founded Chicken Scoop Productions
     Podcast directing: The Weirdness and   where he executive produced several
     Young Ben Franklin for Gen Z Media. As   spec pilots, music videos, and web
     a playwright: What Stays (with Jason   series. More recently he has been
     Szamreta), Whatever Will Be, The     developing animation projects with
     Neighborhood (Book and Lyrics; Music   BEHIND the BAG! Productions, Austin
     by Joe Zawila), Brink of Life (Book;   Basis' company. Dave's comedic work
                                          includes sketch and improvisation, he
     Lyrics by Steve Harper; Music by Oliver   has played on two NYC house teams,
     Lake) and Astonishment, How to be Old:   Chet Watkins and Featherweight, and he
     A Beginner’s Guide, and At Ninety-Three   has written and performed sketch at The
     (Adaptations). Laura is a private    Upright Citizens Brigade Theater, The
     monologue coach and holds a BA from   Peoples Improv Theater, Magnet Theater
     Yale University and an MFA from Sarah   and Gotham City Improv. Dave is a
     Lawrence College. Laura is a member of   company member and the director of
     AEA, SAG-AFTRA and the Dramatists    improv at Dreamcatcher Rep. where his
     Guild. Love and thanks to Joe and    stage production of Expecting Isabel was
     Zachary.                             rated in the top ten productions of 2006
                                          by The Star-Ledger. Dave lives in
                Noreen Farley has done a   Madison with his loving wife. When not
                number of shows as a      acting, writing, or improvising Dave can
                member of Dreamcatcher’s   usually be found nerding out about
                ensemble (most recently,   comic books, Sci-fi, or the Simpsons.
                she appeared as Bid in
                Dead and Buried) as well
                as improvisation. She has
                also appeared at Two River
                Theatre, The Shakespeare
     Theatre of NJ, The Bickford, Alliance
     Rep, The Theater Project, What Exit?,
     and The Women’s Theatre.
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