Page 9 - DRT 2021 October
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country, including with Portland Center Laura Ekstrand co-founded Vivid
Stage, Theatre Vertigo, Seven Devils Stage (then Dreamcatcher Repertory
Playwrights Conference, Something Theatre) with Janet Sales in 1994. She
Marvelous, Victory Gardens, The Blank has appeared at Vivid Stage in The
Theatre, Spooky Action Theater, and Lucky Ones, What Stays; Sister Play;
PlayMakers Repertory Company. Her Rapture, Blister Burn; Motherhood Out
play, The Storyteller, was the winner of Loud; and Shakespeare in Vegas,
the 2020 International Thomas Wolfe among many others, and is a member
Playwriting Competition and a finalist for of The Flip Side improv comedy troupe.
the O’Neill National Playwrights New Jersey Theatre: Bickford Theatre,
Conference. Her play, The Delays, Passage Theater, 12 Miles West, The
received the 2019 Drammy Award for Theater Project, Luna Stage, and the
Outstanding Original Script and was a Pushcart Players. New York Theatre:
finalist for the Oregon Book Award. Sara Naked Angels, Ensemble Studio
Jean holds an MFA in Writing for the Theatre, and New Georges. Film: Fat
Screen and Stage from Northwestern Ass Zombies; Split Ends, High Art and I
University and is a proud member of Shot Andy Warhol. Television: Hack,
LineStorm Playwrights and the Sex And The City, Law & Order, and
Dramatist Guild. The Guiding Light. As a director: Dead and Buried, Every Brilliant Thing, The
How and the Why, Things Being What
Clark Scott Carmichael (Director) is a They Are, Next Fall, Distracted, The
Vivid Stage company member, last seen Pursuit Of Happiness, Melancholy Play,
in Every Brilliant Thing and last directed Pride’s Crossing, Full Bloom and many
String Around My Finger. Most recently, others. Podcast directing: The
he played Bob Cratchit in A Christmas Weirdness and Young Ben Franklin for
Carol and the Duke of Buckingham in Gen Z Media. As a playwright: What
The Three Musketeers at the Stays (with Jason Szamreta), Whatever
Shakespeare Theatre of NJ. He was a Will Be, The Neighborhood (Book and
Jumper on Broadway in Tom Stoppard’s, Lyrics; Music by Joe Zawila), Brink of
Jumpers. Regional/Off-Broadway Life (Book; Lyrics by Steve Harper;
credits: Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, Music by Oliver Lake) and
Irish Rep, Hartford Theatre Works, The Astonishment, How to be Old: A
Acting Company, Red Bull Theatre, Two Beginner’s Guide, and At Ninety-Three
River Theatre Company, KC Rep, NY (Adaptations). Laura is a private
Fringe Festival, Williamstown Theatre monologue coach and holds a BA from
Festival, Merry-Go-Round Playhouse, Yale University and an MFA from Sarah
Great Lakes Theatre Festival, Kentucky Lawrence College. Laura is a member
Shakespeare Festival, NJ Rep, Mill of AEA, SAG-AFTRA and the Dramatists
Mountain Theatre, Hope Summer Rep, Guild. Love and thanks to Joe and
Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival, Zachary.
and the Shakespeare Theatre in
Washington D.C. Television credits: Pat Jeff Knapp (Sound Designer) is has
Carney in The Politician, Harold on been associated with Vivid Stage since
Living With Yourself, Little America, The The Neighborhood, working on most
Plot Against America, Pose, Blacklist, every mainstage production since.
Connor Riley on Gotham, Forever, Dean Favorite Vivid Stage designs include
Masters on House of Cards, Law & The Other Place, 100 Years, The
Outgoing Tide, Shipwrecked, Dead and
Order, Kidnapped, As the World Turns, Buried, and Every Brilliant Thing. Jeff is
Unforgettable, and Boardwalk Empire. also the resident sound designer for
Film credits: Martin in Audrey, Ref Chris Shadowland Stages in Ellenville NY.
in Inside Game, The Irishman, The God He's worked at a bunch of small
Committee, The Kindergarten Teacher, theatres in the tri-state area and as far
Campbell Scott’s Hamlet, Sweet south as Florida! Most recently, Jeff has
Lorraine and Hard Sell. Clark holds an designed multimedia and sound for
MFA from the University of Missouri- Shotstakovich and The Black Monk.
Kansas City and BS from Northwestern During the day, Jeff is owner of
University. Jephens Technologies, a small IT