Page 8 - DRT 2021 October
P. 8
Who’s Who
Portrait of the Widow Kinski Theatre); Humbug (Premiere Stages).
Film: Romance in the Digital Age.
Noreen Farley (Vera @shabazzgreen
Kinski) has done a FEAR NOT!
number of shows as a
member of Vivid Stage’s Jason Szamreta (Willie
ensemble (most recently, Kinski) made his debut at
String Around My Finger) Vivid Stage as Luke in the
as well as improvisation. 2011 production of Next
She has also appeared at Fall and joined the
Two River Theatre, The company after performing
Shakespeare Theatre of NJ, The in the following season's
Bickford, Alliance Rep, The Theater original musical The
Project, What Exit?, and The Women’s Neighborhood. He has
Theatre. Noreen Farley has been seen also appeared in Rx, The Most
at Vivid Stage in Dead and Buried, The Deserving, Sister Play, and Things
Language Archive, The Neighborhood, Being What They Are, as well as various
Blood: A Comedy and many more. As a improv and holiday specials. Last
member of the ensemble she has also season, he performed in Vivid’s very
performed in the improv troupe The Flip first radio play and web series, the
Side, A Very Special Holiday Special, latter of which is an official selection of
and the gala cabarets. Other shows in the 8th annual NYC Web Fest.
the area include The Last Romance Stephanie Windland
(Bickford); 100 Saints You Should Know (Young Vera) is an
and The Champagne Charlie Stakes actress, producer, and
(Alliance Rep); and Why Torture Is writer, born and raised in
Wrong And Those Who Love Them, NYC. A graduate of
Road To Mecca, and Three Tall Women Fairleigh Dickinson
(The Theater Project). At What Exit? University in musical
Noreen has done The Lying Kind and theater, she has since
two turns as the villain in their been seen in national
Christmas pantos. Other credits include tours, on regional stages, and in many
regional theater, television a back room of a NYC bar. Her favorite
commercials, print work, voiceovers acting credits include Belle in Beauty
and movies. and The Beast (La Comedia Dinner
Theater), Robin in the world premiere
Shabazz Green (Jack of My Mother My Sister and Me (The
Bordman) is an Alumnus Bickford Theater) and Purdue in Dead
of Kean University with a and Buried (Vivid Stage). In addition to
B.A. in Theatre her work as an actress, Stephanie
Education. New York played a crucial role in the creation and
Credits: Bars and production of P’s In A Pod, where she
Measures (Urban also stars in the role of Polly. She is
Stages); Philosophy for incredibly excited to be back at Vivid
Gangsters (Beckett Stage with her favorite people, even if
Theatre); Intruder: The Musical it must be virtual.
(Hudson Guild). Regional Credits:
Oklahoma (Denver Center for the Sara Jean Accuardi
Performing Arts); Topdog/Underdog, (Playwright) is an award-
Sister Act: The Musical (Lake Dillon winning playwright and
Theatre Company); Hands on a the recipient of the 2021
Hardbody (Colorado Springs Fine Arts Oregon Literary Arts
Center); To Kill a Mockingbird Leslie Bradshaw
(Greenbrier Valley Theatre); The Ballad Fellowship for Drama. Her
of Trayvon Martin (New Freedom plays have been produced
Theatre); Little Rock (Passage and developed around the