Page 10 - DRT 2021 December
P. 10

Theater Works-NJ. Staff Designer -   classical theatre and also worked as a
     SubCulture NYC, monthly Jason Robert   freelance journalist for The Guardian
     Brown concerts. Purchase College    Newspaper. She moved to Philadelphia
     Alumn.    in 2006 with her family and has
                                         performed with many local companies,
     Jeff Knapp (Sound Designer) is has   most recently performing in the
     been associated with Vivid Stage since   Barrymore-nominated production of
     The Neighborhood, working on most   Perfect Blue. She was the founding
     every mainstage production since.   producing artistic director of Tiny
     Favorite Vivid Stage designs include   Dynamite, a theatre company in
     The Other Place, 100 Years, The     Philadelphia, and spent 7 years
     Outgoing Tide, Shipwrecked, Dead and   producing work and commissioning
     Buried, and Every Brilliant Thing. Jeff is   playwrights.
     also the resident sound designer for   Since 2017 she has been working as a
     Shadowland Stages in Ellenville NY.   playwright and her plays have been
     He's worked at a bunch of small     selected, developed, read or performed
     theatres in the tri-state area and as far   at The Pittsburgh Public Theatre,
     south as Florida! Most recently, Jeff has   PlayPenn, Philadelphia Women’s
     designed multimedia and sound for
     Shotstakovich and The Black Monk.   Theatre Festival, Spooky Action Theatre
     During the day, Jeff is owner of Jephens   Company, DC, Miranda Theatre
     Technologies, a small IT managed    Company at The Cherry Lane, NYC, and
     service provider, focusing on non-  Vivid Stage NJ. She was recently
     profits and small businesses. He thanks   announced as the winner of The
     his wife and kids for letting him miss   Pittsburgh Public Theater’s inaugural
     dinner while he's out making noise and   new play competition and was selected
     telling stories.                    for Panndora’s Box, a festival of new
                                         plays by Panndora Productions in LA.
     Danielle Pietrowski (Costume        She has been a finalist and a semi-
     Designer) has created, found and    finalist for The O'Neill New Play
     borrowed props for Vivid Stage’s What   Conference (2021, 2020); a finalist for
     Stays, Shakespeare in Vegas, Rx, The   Kitchen Dog’s New Works Festival
     How and the Why, and stage managed   2020; a finalist for the Henley Rose
     The Neighborhood and The Other Place.   New Play Competition 2021; a finalist
     She has also worked with Writers    for Headwaters at Creede Rep 2021; a
     (Playwrights) Theatre of NJ, Centenary   semi-finalist for Premiere Stages at
     Stage Co., The Bickford, Passage
     Theatre, NJ Rep, Luna Stage, The    Keane 2020; a semi-finalist for Ashland
                                         New Plays 2021 and The Bay Area
     Growing Stage, Cape May Stage,      Playwrights Festival 2021. Her Poetry
     Shadowland Theatre, What Exit?,     has been published by Willowdown
     Shakespeare Theatre of NJ, Premiere   Books (Poems from the Lockdown) and
     Stages, NJ Governor’s School of the   Indolent Books (What Rough Beast).
     Arts and Women’s Theater Company.   Thank you to my daughter Blake (in
     Emma Gibson (playwright) is a British   Spain) & Rachel (In New Orleans) for
     theatre-maker, now living in        their support from afar. And to my son-
     Philadelphia. In the UK she worked as   in-law Manny for teaching me how
     an actress in both new writing and   ridiculous everything is!
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