Page 9 - DRT 2021 December
P. 9
White. Daria is particularly invigorated University, The Teaching Artist’s
by stories centering on Black women. Collective, and Luna Stage. She was a
Want to create together? Shoot her an member of the Shaliko Theatre
email at Company and acted in The Measures
Training: BA, University of Pittsburgh. Taken, Ghosts, and Woyzeck while in
residence at the New York Public
Thomas Vorsteg Theatre and on world tour. Jane
(Doctors, Counsellor, currently freelances as a director/
Jason) is so excited to be actress and is a member of A Stage of
making his mainstage their Own (ASOTO) a group dedicated
debut in this poignant to the development of plays by women
world premiere! He was writers. Jane may be reached at
last seen at Vivid Stage in
their bilingual reading of
Our Town. Other recent Scott McGowan (Stage Manager) is a
credits include the digital world 13-year member of Vivid Stage. Actor/
premiere of Downtown Crossing with Singer, sometime Stage Manager,
Company One Theatre and, before the Director, Father and movie fan (not
pandemic, Thunder Rock at Metropolitan always in that order). Happy to be in
Playhouse. Next summer, he'll appear in person with this talented cast. Two
Universal's gay romcom, BROS, starring time NH Best Supporting Actor in a
Billy Eichner. Thomas grew up in Verona Musical, two time NJ Newark Ledger
and lives in The Bronx with his twin Best Actor in a Musical. Thanks to my
brother. Many thanks to Laura for the kids and husband for keeping me sane.
opportunity to join this beautiful cast
and crew. Joe Berlangero (Set Designer) has
@cpmtalent @uga_talent been working in theatre for 24 lovely
years. His experiences include a variety
Jane Mandel (Director) holds an MFA of roles from acting to sound design to
from New York University School of the stagehand work to stage management
Arts and has had a career in the theatre and lighting/ grip work for theatre and
as actress, director, teacher, and film/video. Building, erecting and
producer. She is the founder of the non- dismantling sets has been a familiar
profit theatre Company Luna Stage, past time for Joe. In his first very own
located in West Orange NJ, where she set design he hopes to achieve a subtle
served as Artistic Director for over reflection of the mental environment of
twenty years (now AD emeritus). With the production in the physical state of
her guidance, Luna Stage earned a the set. He would like to thank Laura
reputation for producing excellent, Ekstrand and Vivid Stage for this
intelligent, and provocative theatre. opportunity and Dave Maulbeck for his
Scores of new and classic plays were help in building and for recommending
brought to audiences through readings me to Vivid Stage.
and full productions. One of her
passions is for creating devised theatre. Zach Pizza (Lighting Designer) is
She created and directed In the Name always excited to be working with the
of the Woman, an exploration of Vivid Stage family! This is Zach’s 8th
women’s history beginning with the season here as resident LD and 6th
ancient time of the Goddess; We Don’t double bill doing lights and set. Recent
Have Enough Sugar for the Public, an productions include: Fat Kid Rules the
exploration of racism; and The American World (Davis, CA), Camp Morning
Project, an exploration of what it means Wood (Playwrights Horizon), Jason
to be an American. She co-created and Robert Brown in concert feat. Stephen
directed Mi Casa Tu Casa, a bilingual Sondheim (Town Hall, NYC), Big Bang
Latino-based play with music. Jane has Theory Parody Musical (Theater
taught theatre games and Center), Stage Life, (Theater Row), On
improvisation/acting at NYU School of the Head of a Pin (59E59). Regional
the Arts, where she was a full time Credits: Sharon Playhouse-CT, Little
faculty member, The New School, The Theater on the Square-IL, Whyte Hall-
Whole Theatre, Montclair State NY, Cape May Stage-NJ, Hudson