Page 3 - DRT 2020 December
P. 3
A Note from the Artistic Director
Welcome to this weird (but still wonderful) holiday season!
Everything about this season is an experiment and an improvisation for Dreamcatcher,
and this December is no different. We’ve done our first audio play, Ways to be Happy,
produced monthly Flip Side improv shows for YouTube, and now we’ll have our first live
run of a show on Zoom. Holiday Bites is a collaboration with artists we love, both old
and new friends, that we know you will enjoy.
We must say a huge thank you to David Christopher, who has directed many of our
favorite shows at Dreamcatcher (This; Shooting Star; Rapture, Blister, Burn), for co-
producing Holiday Bites. David is an actor and director who understands how difficult
this moment in time is for actors who are struggling to make ends meet and to
preserve the health coverage and pension they receive from Actors’ Equity. So David is
supporting this production to enable us to provide union contracts for our actors.
We at Dreamcatcher hope you also experience similar acts of generosity and kindness
during the holidays, and are so grateful for your participation in our programs.
Peace and love,
Laura Ekstrand
Artistic Director, Dreamcatcher Rep
Dreamcatcher Dreamcatcher Resident Ensemble
Board of Trustees Staff Nicole Callender
Diane Gallo, President Laura Ekstrand Clark Carmichael
Frank Hawrusik, Vice President Artistic Director Harry Patrick Christian
Roger Vellekamp, Treasurer Yolanda Fundora Laura Ekstrand
Graphics and Web Designer Noreen Farley
Teresa Guerino, Secretary
Paola Acosta Dave Maulbeck Julian Gordon
Multimedia Manager Dave Maulbeck
Georgette Barnes
Jill Bernstein Calvin L. Hayes Scott McGowan
Business Manager Daria M. Sullivan
Lisa Brown
Emily Williams
Joyce Hodgson Post Box Office Manager Jason Szamreta
Terri Tauber Harriett Trangucci
Melanie Wilson
Founding Members Director of Marketing & Show Program
Community Outreach
Terrence P. Burnett Melanie Wilson
Laura Ekstrand Advertising
Melissa Jane Martin Terri Tauber
Janet Sales Design and Layout
Jeff Stone
Special thanks to the Dreamcatcher Board of Trustees
and The New Jersey Theatre Alliance
This performance is made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts
Dreamcatcher Repertory Theatre, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(C)3 corporation, incorporated under the
laws of New Jersey