Page 8 - DRT 2020 December
P. 8
Daria M. Sullivan - she/ Stephanie Windland is
her/hers - is a NJ/NYC an actress, producer, and
based actor (EMC), writer, born and raised in
director, teaching artist, NYC. A graduate of
and writer. Theatre credits Fairleigh Dickinson
include Be Here Now and University in musical
Continuing the theater, she has since
Conversation been seen in national
(Dreamcatcher Repertory tours, on regional stages,
Theatre) and Unveiling Liberty and in many a back room of a NYC bar.
(Speranza Theatre Company). She Her favorite acting credits include Belle
recently voiced AMINATA and in Beauty and The Beast (La Comedia
CUSTOMER for Cocotazo Media’s audio Dinner Theater), Robin in the world
fiction series, Timestorm. Her episodes premiere of My Mother My Sister and Me
will be released in May (see: (The Bickford Theater) and Purdue in Directing credits Dead and Buried (Dreamcatcher Rep.).
include I Am The Gooseking by Ben In addition to her work as an actress,
Firke (The Tank). Daria wrote a one act Stephanie played a crucial role in the
play (Somewhere in Between), which creation and production of P’s In A Pod,
was produced by playwright/author where she also stars in the role of Polly.
Kathleen George at the University of She is incredibly excited to be back at
Pittsburgh. Daria is a proud member of Dreamcatcher with her favorite people,
the NYC based film collective, Burn It even if it must be virtual.
Down (BiD); she did sound mixing and Laura Ekstrand (Director) was co-
art direction for previous BiD films and founder of Dreamcatcher with Janet
will be script supervisor for their next Sales in 1994. She has appeared at
film this spring. She is also looking Dreamcatcher in The Lucky Ones, What
forward to assistant directing Stays; Sister Play; Rapture, Blister Burn;
Dreamcatcher’s spring show: Ways To Motherhood Out Loud; and Shakespeare
Be Happy by David Lee White. Daria is in Vegas, among many others, and is a
particularly invigorated by stories member of The Flip Side improv comedy
centering on Black women. Want to troupe. New Jersey Theatre: Bickford
create together? Shoot her an email at Theatre, Passage Theater, 12 Miles Training: BA, West, The Theater Project, Luna Stage,
University of Pittsburgh. and the Pushcart Players. New York
Harriett Trangucci is Theatre: Naked Angels, Ensemble Studio
delighted to be working Theatre, and New Georges. Film: Fat Ass
with these beautiful, Zombies; Split Ends, High Art and I Shot
talented souls again. Andy Warhol. Television: Hack, Sex And
Harriett was last seen on The City, Law & Order, and The Guiding
the mainstage here last Light. As a director: Dead and Buried,
October as Vanessa in The Every Brilliant Thing, The How and the
Lucky Ones. Favorite roles Why, Things Being What They Are, Next
include Zelda in The How Fall, Distracted, The Pursuit Of
And The Why, Juliana in The Other Happiness, Melancholy Play, Pride’s
Place, Pilot in Grounded, Alice in Clever Crossing, Full Bloom and many others.
Little Lies, Karen, Muriel and Norma in Podcast directing: The Weirdness and
Plaza Suite, Mother in Distracted and Young Ben Franklin for Gen Z Media. As
Mable in Prides Crossing. Film credits: a playwright: What Stays (with Jason
Punchline, Long Shadows and Sudden Szamreta), Whatever Will Be, The
Manhattan. Harriett trained at William Neighborhood (Book and Lyrics; Music
Esper Studios and Indiana University. by Joe Zawila), Brink of Life (Book;
She is the wildly lucky mother of three Lyrics by Steve Harper; Music by Oliver
and wife of one. Off stage Harriett is a Lake) and Astonishment, How to be Old:
CASA Coordinator for children in foster A Beginner’s Guide, and At Ninety-Three
care. Harriett is a member of the Actors' (Adaptations). Laura is a private
Equity Association. monologue coach and holds a BA from
Yale University and an MFA from Sarah
Lawrence College. Laura is a member of