Page 10 - DRT 2020 December
P. 10

Films). His web series SEND ME, about   received workshops and residencies
     time traveling black people, garnered a   from the Lark, the National New Play
     2016 Emmy Nomination for series lead   Network’s MFA Playwrights Workshop,
     Tracie Thoms (Now on YouTube). He    Orlando Shakespeare Theatre’s
     currently writes for the CW series   PlayFest, and elsewhere. She has been
     Stargirl and has worked on God       a nominee or a finalist for the Steinberg
     Friended Me, American Crime, and the   Award, the Kesselring Prize, the
     upcoming Amazon Prime Series Tell Me   Weissberger Award, PlayPenn, and the
     Your Secrets. Steve coaches writers   NYIT Award for outstanding full-length
     through his company Your Creative Life.   script. She was the winner of City                Theatre’s National Short Playwriting
                                          Award, and was an Individual Artist
                Mark Harvey Levine        Fellowship winner in playwriting from
                (Oh, Tannenbaum) has      the New Jersey State Council for the
                had over 1800             Arts.  Her plays are published by
                productions of his plays   Broadway Play Publishing, Playscripts,
                everywhere from           Dramatists Play Service, and Smith &
                Bangalore to Bucharest    Kraus.  She is also the author of a
                and from Lima to          novel, Dating the Devil (BelleBooks),
                London.  His plays have   and a humor book, 11,002 Things to Be
                won over 45 awards and
     been produced in more than ten       Miserable About (Abrams Image), which
                                          has sold over 35,000 copies.  She
     languages.  Full evenings of his plays,   earned her B.A. from Princeton
     such as Cabfare For The Common Man,   University and her M.F.A. in playwriting
     Didn’t See That Coming and A Very    from Rutgers/MGSA, and she teaches
     Special Holiday Special have been    playwriting at Molloy College and in the
     shown around the world, including a   MA program in creative writing at
     multi-year tour of Brazil.  A Spanish-  Fairleigh Dickinson University.
     language film of The Kiss (El Beso)
     premiered at Cannes and aired on HBO             Pandora Scooter
     and DTV (Japan).  His work has been              (Customer Service) is an
     published in over two dozen anthologies          award winning playwright
     by Smith & Kraus, Applause, Routledge            and spoken word
     and Vintage.  He lives in Indianapolis,          artist.  Her one-woman
     where he teaches playwriting at the              shows, I Am Enough and
     Indiana Writer's Center.  He often talks         OutWordlyFabulous
     to trees.                                        toured the nation to 45
                                                      cities, reaching thousands
                 Lia Romeo (A Little Tiny   of LGBTQ+ Youth.  In 2017, her
                 Bit of Fucking Cheer)’s   feminist, punk rock musical won Best
                 play The Forest was      Musical from the Fresh Fruit Festival
                 developed at the O’Neill   (NYC's only LGBTQ+ Theatre
                 Playwrights Conference,   Festival).  She is the founder of the
                 and was scheduled to     ATG PlayLab, a play development group
                 receive a National New
                 Play Network rolling world   dedicated to developing professional
                                          BIPOC and Queer playwrights'
                 premiere in the upcoming
     season (cancelled due to the         works.  Currently, her play Two Peas in
                                          a Pod is being made into a film,
     coronavirus). This and three of her   shooting begins in late
     other plays have been recognized by   December.  She's lived in New Jersey
     the Kilroys List. Her plays have been   for 30 years and currently teaches at
     produced at 59E59, Unicorn Theatre,   NYU, Terry Knickerbocker Studio and
     Project Y Theatre Company,           Marymount Manhattan College.
     Dreamcatcher Rep, HotCity Theatre,
     and many other companies, and have
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