Page 9 - DRT 2020 December
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AEA, SAG-AFTRA and the Dramatists workshops all over the country for
Guild. Love and thanks to Joe and underserved populations.
Phoebe Farber
Amy Hadam (Stage Manager) is (Hanukkah Visit) is a
always so thrilled to be back with playwright living in
Dreamcatcher! This is her eighth Montclair, New
season and her credits begin with The Jersey. Her plays have
Language Archive and go all the way been seen around New
through to last year's String Around My York and New
Finger. Amy has also stage-managed Jersey. Most recently her
Dreamcatcher's outreach productions of play Psychodrama was
Astonishment, How to be Old: The part of the 2019 season of
Beginner's Guide and At 93. Amy is also Dreamcatcher Repertory
the Production Stage Manager for Cape Theater. Phoebe’s plays have been
May Stage. Other credits include: Jekyll seen at Dixon Place, The International
& Hyde and Spamalot at Surflight Fringe Festival—NYC (Best Bet),
Theatre, A Piece of My Heart and Janey Emerging Artists Theatre, Luna Stage,
Miller's World Tour at Speranza Theatre The Depot Theater, The Bickford
Company, Miss Witherspoon and The Theater, the Jersey City Theater Center
Further Adventures of Hedda Gabler at and Nora’s Playhouse. Phoebe was a
The Theater Project, and Talking to 2016-2017 fellow with the Emerging
Westfield and At Liberty Hall at Women Playwrights of Writers Theatre
Premiere Stages. Amy is a proud of New Jersey. In the summer of 2017
member of Actors' Equity Association. her play BAM was workshopped at UC
Davis as part of the Ground and Field
~Playwrights~ Theater Festival. She was recently
Jessica F. Baskerville commissioned by Luna Stage to write a
(Habari Gani?) is a New play about the city of Orange, New
Jersey-based playwright Jersey as part of their Secret Cities
and recent graduate of project. Phoebe is a practicing
Montclair State psychotherapist (MSW, Ph.D.) with a
University’s College of the specialty in adolescents and young
Arts. Her transition from adults. In addition to her clinical
student to working practice, Phoebe is a professor at
professional has included Montclair State University where she
performances of her commissioned one teaches psychology and a class called
-act, Woody’s, for NJ Theatre Alliance’s Creative Thinking. In November 2017,
Stages Festival in partnership with Luna she spoke at a TedX Montreal event
Stage; and the performance of Just As about the dynamics of judgment.
Cruel, written for and produced by the Steve Harper (Many
Undoing Racism Committee of Happy Returns) is a
Montclair. Currently, she resides in East playwright, TV writer,
Orange where she continues to write producer, and actor. Full
and discover the kinds of stories she length plays include Black
hopes to keep telling. Lives / Blue Lives[co-
Richard Dresser (This written with Bill Mesce,
Year It’s Just the Two of Jr.] (The Theater Project,
Us) has 17 published New Jersey) and Urban
plays including BELOW Rabbit Chronicles(Georgia Southern
THE BELT and ROUNDING University world premiere 2021). Steve
THIRD. His first novel, IT is happy to return to Dreamcatcher
HAPPENED HERE, was where his plays were featured in
recently published. He Continuing the Conversation and Love
teaches screenwriting at Hate Friendship Marriage and where he
the Columbia University graduate film collaborated on Brink of Life (Lyrics).
school and is President of the Writers Short films: Three People
Guild Initiative, which conducts writing (#WhileWeBreathe creative protest
online) and Intelligence (Dances with