Page 46 - January2019Spectrum_Neat
P. 46

Members Speak Out

      QUESTION:  With the legalization of cannabis in Canada, according to new regulations laid out by
      the province, Ontario could see hundreds of cannabis stores open in April.
      The Progressive Conservatives scrapped the previous Liberal government’s plan for a provincial monopoly on Cannabis
      stores and have decided instead to allow for a private system with stores set to open on April. 1. There is no limit to how
      many shops the province will allow. We could see hundreds if not thousands come April. What are your thoughts on this?
      Should it have been done differently?

      My personal views are that I don’t like   I’m not for or against legalized cannabis. I   the hundreds or thousands, but if they can’t
      any drugs, however the reasons given   do believe it has to be privatized and easily   make money, they will adjust to what the
      by Ontario that suggest legalization will   accessible to be able to have an effect on the   market requires.
      control the black market and make it safe is   illegal cannabis black market. If one person
      absolute rubbish. Since when has legalizing   (the government) owns all the cannabis   The government should not be in the
      ANYTHING controlled the black market?   stores, like any other business, it does not   business of regulation!  Therefore, I am
      They don’t abide by the law anyway.   work for the consumer. Proven time and time   generally satisfied with the PC approach.
                                            again, people in government or politicians   David Timlock, P.Eng., President, GSC
      It felt like it was more of a tax grab on   are usually not great businessmen. Let   Collaborative Structures Limited
      something that seems to show no evidence   entrepreneurs open and run the stores and
      to be any worse than smoking. The fact   let the government clip their coupons. They   The government’s function is to enforce
      that it’s now on the streets will just mean   are good at that. I think once the stores are   existing laws and regulations and maintain
      no one has any idea on the original supply   open and the novelty wears off, they will be   public safety, period. The government
      chain (white or black market). How is that   like any other store.          should never be involved in any commercial
      making it safer? Of course there is now a tax   Shawn Messenger, Partner/Owner  enterprise. Since the government has
      attached to the white market stuff - no that   AMJ Campbell Van Lines       decided  to  legalize  cannabis,  regardless
      can’t be it at all! It’s like living in the Muppet                          of whether you agree with this decision
      Show.                                 I am personally supportive of a non-  or not, now that it’s been legalized, the
      Ashley Griffin, Network Specialist/Manager  provincial monopoly.            market will decide how many stores it can
      GRIFFCOMM                                                                   accommodate.
                                            Just  like  wine  brewing  from  25  years  ago,   Steve Mantione
                                            shops may spring up everywhere, maybe in   Freedom 55 Financial

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