Page 49 - January2019Spectrum_Neat
P. 49


                   Help is available for your winter

                                      maintenance plan

          Clean drinking water is everyone’s                    provided them with signs to display at the closed areas to
          responsibility                                        inform staff and visitors.
          Salt,  including  de-icers  and  ice  melters,  impact  water   Closing areas can reduce slip and fall risks, protect your
          quality – and not in a good way. Over time, the salt we put   business from salt damage and protect our community’s
          on the ground can end up in our drinking water and cause   drinking water.
          it to taste salty.
                                                                                            Help protect water
          To  address  this  concern,
          the  Region  of  Waterloo                                                         The  Region  appreciates
          is  helping  businesses                                                           the work the Hamilton
          with  parking  lots  near                                                         Family Theatre Cambridge
          drinking  water  supply                                                           is   doing   to   protect
          wells  to  complete their                                                         drinking water.
          mandatory        winter
          maintenance       plan.                                                           Does  your  business  have
          The   plan   helps   to                                                           areas  normally salted in
          reduce  salt use while                                                            the winter  you  can close
          maintaining  safety.  If                                                          such  as  outdoor  patios,
          you  are in  a protected                                                          extra   parking   spaces,
          area  (visit  https://taps.                                                       redundant walkways and
  to                                                           stairways?
          find out), you will need a
          plan, so there is no time                                                         The Region has resources
          like the present to contact the Region.               to  help  including  free  closed  signs.  While  supplies  last,
                                                                order your free closed sign at
          The Hamilton Family Theatre Cambridge                 winterplan.
          is a water protector

          The  Hamilton  Family  Theatre  Cambridge  on  Grand
          Avenue is near a drinking water supply well. The Region of
          Waterloo worked with the theatre to come up with ways
          to reduce salt use without compromising safety. Drayton
          Entertainment, the not-for-profit company that operates
          the venue, was immediately on board to help.
                                                                Region of Waterloo Water Services
          The  first  step  they  took  was  to  look  for  areas  to  close   Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TTY): 519-575-4608
          for the winter months. Keeping in mind accessibility and
          fire exits, the theatre closed a large portion of the front
          entrance, a patio and two sections of stairs. The Region

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