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Chamber Networks


       One of the many benefits offered to our   Friday, January 11, 2019-"Women Take   Monday, November 26, 2018  - Cambridge
       Chamber Members is the ability to network   Charge" Breakfast Series with Guest   & North Dumfries Community Awards.
       with your peers at one of our many events.   Speaker Amy Fee MPP Kitchener South-  The winners of this year's awards were
       Each month the Chamber offers a variety   Hespeler and Parliamentary Assistant to   announced at the Community Awards
       of events to network and learn. These   the Minister of Children, Community and   ceremony and reception Monday evening
       events are open to any and all employees   Social Services                 at the Hamilton Family Theatre Cambridge
       of Chamber Member companies.                                               in the presence of 300 attendees We were                                                   pleased to have received 50 nominations
                                                                                  for the  Annual Cambridge & North
       RECENT BUSINESS GROWTH SESSIONS                                            Dumfries Community Awards.
       Thursday, November 1, 2018 -How to Make
       Your Website a Stronger Salesperson  RECENT BUSINESS AFTER HOURS
                                             Tuesday, October 16, 2018.  2018 Business Expo
       Thursday, December 6, 2018 -The Do's and   Sponsored by Meridian Credit Union
       Dont's of Hiring and Firing

       Thursday, January 3, 2019 -Communication
       - It should be easy - Right?

       Business Growth Series Presented By:   Monday, November 19, 2018 -November
                                            Business After Hours - hosted by the
                                            Cambridge Chamber of Commerce. Food
                                            provided by Zoup.

       Thursday, October 11, 2018 -Communication
       in a Business Environment - Energize Your
       Networking,Sponsored by Bradley Gaskin
       Marshall Financial Services Ltd.
                                            Monday, December 10, 2018 -December
                                            Business After Hours - hosted by
                                            Bingemans KINGPIN Cambridge

       Thursday, November 15, 2018- "Good
       Morning Cambridge" Farewell Breakfast:
       The Chair for 33 Years, for the Region of
       Waterloo.                            SPECIAL EVENTS
                                            Wednesday, December 12, 2018
       Thursday, December 13, 2018  - Annual   Municipal Leaders Speaker Series:
       Mayor's Breakfast with City of Cambridge   Municipalities as Engines of Economic
       Mayor Kathryn McGarry and City of    Growth
       Brantford Mayor Kevin Davis.

       Wednesday, October 31, 2019- "Women
       Take Charge" Breakfast with Jane W.
       Klugman, President of Whitney & Company
       Realty Limited.

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