Page 16 - April 2024 INSIGHT MAGAZINE.indd
P. 16


      5 ways entrepreneurs can become

      more psychologically resilient

      By The Conversation –
      By Kyle Brykman, Assistant Professor of Management, University of Windsor & Alex Newman, Associate Dean, Faculty of Business and Law, Deakin
      University & Julia Backmann, Assistant Professor, UCD School of Business, University College Dublin & Robert J. Pidduck, Assistant Professor,
      Entrepreneurship & International Management, Old Dominion University & Silja Hartmann, Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Fellow, Department of
      Management, Freie Universitat Berlin
      Entrepreneurship  is  the  backbone  of
      any  free-market  economy.  Globally,
      small  and  medium-sized  businesses
      represent  roughly  90%  of  businesses
      and  employ  over  50%  of  the  workforce.
      They  also  contribute  about  45%  to  gross
      domestic product (GDP).
      Yet entrepreneurs face many obstacles that
      threaten their survival, including financial

      insecurity  and  market  uncertainties.
      Unsurprisingly,  roughly  50%  of  new

      ventures fail within the first five years.
        In this challenging landscape,
        entrepreneurs’ psychological
        resilience is a key personal resource
        and competitive advantage.
        But how can entrepreneurs
        develop resilience? And why does    •  Personality:  Believing  in  your  abilities  •  Social networks: Having strong sources

        psychological resilience benefit       and  having  a  strong  sense  of  control   of  social  support,  whether  through
        entrepreneurs?                        over  life  events,  being  “gritty”  and   business  networks,  formal  mentorship
                                              passionate about your business.       programs  or  feedback  from  potential
                                            •  Attitudes and behaviours:  Positive   investors.
      Entrepreneurs’ psychological            mindsets,  meaning,  preparedness  and   What makes resilient

      resilience                              reflection  ater  experiencing  setbacks   entrepreneurs unique?
      Psychological  resilience  is  made  up  of   resilience.                   Being  resilient  might  be  a  prerequisite
      two  defining  elements.  First,  someone                                    for  having  an  entrepreneurial  mindset.

      must    experience   adversity,   which   •  Learning:   Participating   in   Several studies show that resilient people
      threatens  their  performance  or  well-  entrepreneurial  education  programs,   are  more  likely  to  launch  new  ventures,
      being. Ater experiencing this adversity, a   like  university  business  courses,  and   take  over  existing  businesses  and  pivot
      person’s  recovery  to  their  initial  level  of   learning  how  other  entrepreneurs   their  business  during  a  crisis  like  the
      performance  or  well-being  is  known  as   successfully  cope  with  adversity  and   COVID-19 pandemic.
      positive adaptation. This ability to bounce   learning  from  their  struggles  and
      back ater facing an obstacle is resilience.  failures  can  help  entrepreneurs  learn   Psychological   resilience   is   also
                                              how to bounce back from adversity.
      To  understand  how  entrepreneurs  can                                     associated  with  a  host  of  important
      become  more  psychologically  resilient,   •  Personal  experiences:  Resilience  also   success.  Resilient  entrepreneurs  tend  to
      we conducted a comprehensive review of   develops  from  personal  experiences,   exhibit  stronger  mental  well-being,  as
      existing academic literature by synthesizing   like  overcoming  the  initial  challenges   psychological  resilience  helps  bu†er  the

      results from over 80 published articles. We   of  starting  a  business.  In  addition,   everyday stressors of entrepreneurship.

      identified the following factors as essential   early  childhood  experiences  can  be
      to  building  entrepreneurs’  psychological   instrumental,  like  when  parents  focus   Resilient entrepreneurs also tend to learn,
      resilience.                             on  learning  opportunities  and  allow   innovate,  exhibit  more  transformational
                                              their  children  to  overcome  their  own   leadership  and  are  happier  than  those
                                              challenges.                         without psychological resilience.
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