Page 17 - April 2024 INSIGHT MAGAZINE.indd
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Resilience is also associated with 2. Proactively learn from others. Seek out 5. Participate in local entrepreneurship
objective and subjective assessments formal mentors who can oer advice programs. By engaging with local
of firm performance. One study found and knowledge about how to overcome programs, entrepreneurs can find and
that conveying personal resilience in entrepreneur-specific challenges. use essential resources, including
crowdfunding campaigns leads to superior Invest time in reading about how other specific knowledge and industry
financial performance, while another entrepreneurs overcame adversity while connections, to help them bounce
showed that psychological resilience launching and accelerating a business. back when adversity strikes (or even
significantly improves the probability of proactively anticipate challenges).
venture survival. 3. Develop strong social support networks. building muscle, building
Social support is critical to overcoming Like
5 ways to become more adversity, whether it comes from family, psychological resilience takes time, eort
friends, colleagues or mentors. Support and the right technique. By investing in
psychologically resilient networks oer instrumental guidance, learning, believing in your capabilities
Even if you weren’t born with an inherent like helping entrepreneurs look at and vision, using failure as fuel for growth
ability to weather every storm that comes problems from new perspectives, and leaning on social support, anyone
your way, you can still learn to become as well as emotional support for can become a psychologically resilient
more mentally tough and adaptable. managing negative emotions and entrepreneur.
Here are five ways to develop personal stressful experiences. Find people and
resilience so that you can triumph over organizations you can lean on.
the next obstacle you face. 4. Focus on your core strengths and
1. Cultivate a growth- or learning- capabilities to achieve success.
orientated mindset. Prioritize learning Believe in your ability to manage the
over short-term performance, seek unexpected. Dive in passionately to
out challenges, embrace failures and what you are building. Passion is the
experiment with ideas, even if you don’t fuel that keeps entrepreneurs motivated
achieve immediate success. Adopting a and committed to learning, despite
healthy mindset about adversity (like obstacles.
“it builds character”) can change how
you respond to inevitable bumps in the
road. Spring 2024 17