Page 34 - April 2024 INSIGHT MAGAZINE.indd
P. 34


      Business conŒdence survey results are

      not all bad

                                            “We must also ensure there is a balance or  He  questions  whether  the  pessimism
                                            equity in tax distribution from not only a  around  growth  and  confi dence  outlined
                                            cost  perspective  but  also  on  deployment  in the survey is related to the economy or
                                            so  when  money  is  being  handed  out  it’s  stems more from the fact many businesses
                                            being  handed  out  appropriately,”  says  are unable to hire the people they require
                                            Greg.                                 so they can grow their business.
                                            The  OER  contains  regional  and  sector-  “There are lots of companies out there that

                                            specific data on business confidence and  need people and that’s always a good thing
                                            growth,  public  policy  priorities,  regional  when you’re at a very low unemployment
                                            forecasts, and timely business issues such  rate now which is hovering around the 5%
                                            as  supply  chains,  employee  well-being,  rate,”  says  Greg,  noting  he  receives  calls
                                            diversity,  equity  and  inclusion,  economic  and  emails  daily  from  local  companies
                                            reconciliation, and climate change.   seeking  workers.  “As  inflation  starts  to

                                            The  report,  compiled  from  a  survey  of   drop and as the Bank of Canada rates start
                                            businesses   provincewide   conducted   to drop, I think we’ll see that pessimism go
                                            between  Oct.  12  and  Nov.  21,  2023  and   away.”
                                            received just under 1,900 responses, states
                                            that  13%  of  businesses  are  confident   Outlook highlights:

                                            in  Ontario’s  economic  outlook.  That   •  Small businesses are less confident

                                            represents  a  3%  drop  from  last  year  and   (12%) than larger businesses (22%)
                                            a 29% drop from the year before with the   due  to  challenges  with  repaying
                                            cost  of  living  and  inputs,  inflation,  and   debt,  fluctuations  in  consumer

                                            housing a†ordability as the key factors for   spending,  inflationary  pressures,

                                            the confidence drop.                       and  workforce-related  challenges
      High inflation, interest rates and housing   The  sector  showing  the  most  confidence   such as mental health.

      costs continue to drive pessimism in   was  mining,  with  the  least  confidence

      Ontario’s economic outlook,  according   being shown in the agriculture, non-profit,    •  Simplifying  business  taxes  is

      to the Ontario Chamber of Commerce’s   health care and social assistance sectors.   identified as a major policy priority
      (OCC) eighth annual Ontario Economic                                            of 50% of surveyed businesses.

      Report (OER).    Despite   this,   many   The   most   confident   regions   were   •  Confidence  in  Ontario’s  economic

      businesses  surveyed  remain  confident  in   Northeastern  and  Northwestern  Ontario,   outlook varies considerably across

      their own outlooks, with 53% expecting to   both at 23%, and the least were Kitchener-  industries  and  is  lowest  within
      grow in 2024.                         Waterloo,  Windsor-Sarnia,  and  Stratford-  the  agriculture  sector  (3%),  non-

      “In spite of the fact there seems to be a   Bruce  County.  (The  survey  indicated   profit (8%), health care and social
                                            these latter two regions had a high share
      mood of pessimism in the air, the reality of   of  respondents  in  the  non-profit  and   assistance  (8%),  and  retail  (10%)

      it is there seems to be more bright lights   agriculture  sectors  compared  to  other   sectors.
      than there are dim lights,” says Cambridge   regions).                        •  Confidence  is  highest  in  the

      Chamber of Commerce President and CEO                                           province’s   mining   (46%)   and
      Greg  Durocher.  “We’ve  had  years  where   “As  the  report  suggests,  businesses  still   utilities  (27%)  industries,  both  of
      business  confidence  and  prospects  of   need to grapple with economic headwinds   which benefited from strong growth

      being confident are going to be over 60%   and many of those headwinds are limiting   and  investments  in  the  province’s

      but given where we are today, I think having   their ability to invest in important issues   electrification  infrastructure  and

      around 50% of businesses confident they   within the workplace and that may well be   electric vehicle supply chains.

      are going to have a good year and grow is   part of the reason they are having di culty
      a positive sign.”                     hiring people,” says Greg.              •  Businesses  in  Northeast  and
                                                                                      Northwest  Ontario  exhibit  the

      However,  he  says  that  figure  doesn’t   “That  said,  entrepreneurs  are  interesting   highest  confidence  at  23%,  where

      minimize  the  economic  issues  facing   individuals,  and  they  always  will  find  a   the  mining  industry  is  a  major

      businesses, including a†ordability and also   way  to  wiggle  themselves  through  the   employer.

      notes the struggle to achieve necessary tax   di culties of the economy.”
      reform measures continues.
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