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Educational Learning Sessions Exposure Good Business Practice
The Chamber offers educational The Chamber staff believes and Membership extends credibility and
Learning Opportunities to you and proudly communicates that its implies that you are trustworthy,
your entire staff as part of your members provide superior customer involved in your community and
membership. service and products. care about your customers.
Get Involved Have an Issue?
When you get involved with your Whether it is a local planning issue, or a problem with federal and provincial
Chamber of Commerce, you will regulations, or connecting with suppliers, our President/CEO Greg Durocher
become better connected to your can help you wade through the bureaucracy thanks to his experience and
community. You will become more connections at all levels of government. The Chamber knows the landscape
aware of community and business and can assist you in arranging meetings or preparing submissions to navigate
issues. You can help solve problems, issues or concerns pertaining to the development and growth of your business.
and members can help you solve Let us help you carry your cause and ensure your voice is heard.
your problems.
Improve your Bottom Line Voice of the Business
The Chamber has secured Member discounts from a variety of local businesses Community
as well as affinity programs such as our popular discounted merchant As an organization for
MasterCard/Visa rates. All discounts are listed in the Chamber newsletter, and businesses, the Chamber is
the Chamber's Insight Magazine (print or digital). the voice of the Members,
representing you and
Looking for Someone/Something? advocating for your interests.
We know it sounds odd, but if you have a need, if you’re looking for someone The Chamber protects and
or something, always think of turning to the Chamber first. Often times we have furthers the members’
the answer at our fingertips, or we know exactly where to get it. Our job is to interests by improving the
help you meet your needs, and connect to the community in a broader way. We business climate in our city.
want you working hard on your business, so leave the digging to us. We often meet with Chamber
Members to discuss and agree
Membership Networking on important issues pertaining
Your membership is extended to Need additional business contacts? to business, the economy, and
all employees of your business. The Chamber holds monthly our community.
Employees have the same member networking events so members can
priviledges as the business owner. meet and exchange ideas, develop
business relationships and increase Meeting Space
Member Referrals their professional network. Chamber Members have access
to four unique meeting spaces at
Our Member Referral Program reduced rates. These include a large
helps grow the Chamber and Career Page boardroom that can accommodate
provide rewards and recognition The Chamber’s easy-to-use 20 to 35 people, a smaller boardroom
opportunities to members who portal highlights employment with room for up to 10, plus a smaller
forward prospects that result in opportunities in our region and meeting room that can seat six, as
membership, resulting in a $50 can be accessed by the public, well as a soundproof meeting pod
credit for the member who made allowing them to search and apply that seats up to five comfortably.
the referral. A growing membership for positions. Chamber Members can All our spaces come with computer
strengthens the Chamber’s voice upload and manage their own posts, connection, and a coffee service
advocating on issues of importance, including contact information and component – full service or self-
enhances services for our members job descriptions. We hope you take serve. Wireless internet onsite.
and provides more business advantage of this great feature to
connections. help fill your labour gaps.
Tax Deductibility
Sponsorship Opportunities Chamber Membership fees are
As a way of gaining exposure within tax deductible as an ordinary and
the business community, Chamber necessary business expense.
Members have many sponsorship
opportunities. Events and programs Member Magazine
such as our Chamber Education Members receive the Chamber's quarterly Insight
Series, the Business Excellence Magazine which provides information about
Awards, annual Golf Classic and Fall Chamber events, programs, and happenings. A
Scramble tournaments and more, offer digital copy of Insight Magazine is also available
opportunities to put your business in for viewing.
front of your target audience. 9