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                                        Maximize Your Membership

                                Chamber Circles
                                Anything is possible when business leaders gather to share their experiences and cheer each
                                other on. The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce created ‘Chamber Circles’, a program divided
                                into two streams – one for entrepreneurs and one specifically designed for women – that aims
                                to provide these business leaders the opportunity to grow and learn from one another through
                                mentoring circles to share their collective knowledge. The goal of this monthly program is to
                                encourage them to not only grow their skills through collaboration but also provide them with
                                the tools they need to navigate bias and lean into their strengths.

      Chamber Perks                         Mental Health in the Workplace
      This Chamber program facilitates      Mental health in the workplace has become a
      Member-to-Member relationships and    paramount concern for employees and employers
      encourages shopping locally. This is   alike. The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce has a
      an  excellent  opportunity  to  support   created a two-part series to assist businesses take
      your fellow Chamber Members and       a proactive step towards nurturing their mental
      promote your business.  All Chamber   health and contributing to a positive workplace
      Members are eligible to participate.   culture. Led by local mental health professionals, we
      Do you have a product or service that   understand that addressing mental health issues is
      you would like to make available to   essential for creating a positive and productive work
      other members and their employees?    environment.
      If you would like to submit a discount
      offered  to  all  members,  to  be  listed
      on the Chamber Perks page in Insight,   Small Business Summit               Travel Program
      please email lisa@cambridgechamber.   The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce’s   The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce
      com with a description of the discount   annual Small Business Summit       hosts   all-inclusive  international
      offered.                              assists businesses in rethinking      getaways annually that offer travelers
                                            and redesigning their operations      great pricing on top-notch tours and
                                            and value delivery to stakeholders,   guides with premium accommodations.
      Manufacturing Program                 as  well  as  provide  relationship-  Our  trips  are  open  to  members
      The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce     building opportunities. Led by expert   (special discounts) and non-members.
      has created seven impactful sessions   speakers, the summit was created     Exciting  destinations  have  included
      sponsored by TMMC (Toyota Motor       by the Chamber to provide local       China, India, Turkey, Austria, Dubai,
      Manufacturing Canada) designed to     entrepreneurs with potential ideas    South Africa, Peru, Thailand, Tuscany,
      empower and elevate the capabilities   that can assist them as they take their   Cambodia, Ireland, and Morocco.
      of  the  small  and  medium-sized     business to the next level.
      manufacturers in our community.
      Our initiative brings together experts,                          WOWCambridge
      thought    leaders  and    industry                              Each month, the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce
      professionals to share insights, best                            recognizes a business or an employee that has
      practices,  and emerging  trends  that                           gone above and beyond, providing what your
      can significantly benefit small and                              customer sees as extraordinary service in an
      medium-sized manufacturers.                                      everyday situation. These individuals and the
                                                                       businesses they work for exemplify service
                                                                       excellence, and most are completely surprised to
                                                                       receive our WOWCambridge Award for what they
                                                                       believe is merely "doing their job". The public can
                                                                       nominate an employee, or business, via a simple
                                                                       form on our website.

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