Page 17 - SpectrumOctober2018
P. 17

You Asked, We Answered!
                            You Asked, We Answered!

                 Business Association                                         Computer Services

           Is the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce                               Should you use the “Cloud”?
              associated with the government?                     The fi rst thing to understand about the “Cloud” is, it's just someone else’s comput-
                                                                  er! With this in mind, it means your data is on their system, which raises ques  ons
         The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce is a non-par  -        like; how secure is my data? Will it get shared with outside sources, such as govern-
                                                                  ment agencies?  All of which are outside your control.
         san business organiza  on. We are not affi  liated with    You must have a backup & business con  nuity strategy, because how will you re-
         any poli  cal party or any level of government. We are   cover an item accidently deleted, like an invoice in Quickbooks online or an email
                                                                  in offi  ce 365 webapps.  Also you don’t have the original data when the internet is
         the voice of business on behalf of our 1800 members,     down and it's gone when the account is cancelled.
                                                                  The largest issue we deal with for small to medium sized companies a  er a client
         we advocate for your needs to municipal, provincial      moved to a “cloud” loca  on, is the quality of the internet connec  on.  We fi nd out
         and federal governments, and we ac  vely par  cipate     they were unable to watch a YouTube video before, however now they must rely
                                                                  on this connec  on to handle business cri  cal systems like invoicing, email or voice
         in Public Policy development.                            communica  ons (VoIP).
                                                                  There are always unforeseen problems that eff ect day to day administra  on and
                                                                  network health.  Most resolu  ons cost $1,000’s per year and none were budgeted
                                                                  for and most   mes outweigh the original decision to move to the cloud.
          Email for informa  on                 Contact: info@griff : 1-226-485-1002

                         Education                                            Financial Planning

         What can I do to help my child succeed at school?                             Do fees really ma  er? (Yes)
        1. Teach the magic word "yet": As in, "I haven't yet learned my 6   mes ta-
        bles.” Seeing learning as a mposi  ve, ongoing process increases mo  va  on.  No ma  er where you invest, investments have a cost even though it’s taken a
                                                                   long   me for required fee disclosure to arrive. Do you know what fees you are
        2. Sleep earlier: Researchers have found that a mere half an hour of   paying? You should. Check your statements.
        extra sleep can make the diff erence between grade levels in high school
        students. An extra half an hour’s sleep has also been proven to result in less
        restlessness, vola  lity and frustra  on.                  A diff erence of 1% may not seem like a big deal but it adds up over the long
                                                                   term thanks to the magic of compounding along with your investment re-
        3. Learn something yourself: Model how to enjoy the process of learning   turns. A 1% diff erence in fees means you lose the growth on that diff erence
        and overcome diffi  cul  es with a posi  ve a   tude.        you might have had for what could be many years into the future. Here’s an
        4. Do nothing: If your child misbehaves in class or doesn’t hand in their
        homework on   me, let them face the consequences. Understanding the   If you had $100,000 invested earning 5% a year for the next 20 years and your
        consequences of your ac  ons is essen  al to learning responsibility for your   fees were 2% a year you would have $180,611 at the end of those 20 years.
        own learning. Shielding a child from every bump in the school road will   But if your fees were 1% instead, you would have $219,113 at the end of those
        produce a passive, dependent learner.
                                                                   20 years. That’s a diff erence of $38,502 which shows fees do ma  er.
                                             For more informa  on and programs visit
                                       Brenda Po  er Phelan, BA, RRC®, CFP®, CPCA, CPA, CGA
                           Lawyer                                                  Real Estate

          Where Should I Keep My Original Will?                                   Prepare Your Home for Winter
                                                                              A Canadian winter can be harsh & the ice & snow can lead to big
                   Should you keep your Will at home among your               homeowner headaches if the proper precau  ons aren’t taken.
                   safe papers?  What if you take it out and forget           Here are a few things that you should do to prepare your home
                                                                              for winter.
                   to put it back, or unknowingly lose or destroy it.
                   Or worse, you start dra  ing amendments on the             •   Check for cracks in the founda  on
                                                                                 Pay a  en  on to landscaping
                   original  giving  rise  to  legal  challenges  or  other   •   Have a professional inspect your chimney
                   legal implica  ons on your death?  Many law fi rms   Gary** & Debbie*  •   Have your hea  ng system inspected
                   off er  a  free,  safe  storage  facility  at  their  offi  ces   519-622-7677(bus),   •   Flush out sprinkler systems & turn off  exterior faucets
                                                                     888-218-6589   •   Replace your air fi lters
        combined with off -site, electronic back-up copies and your law   (toll-free)
        fi rm is bound by a duty of confi den  ality – so the contents of   ** Broker of Record  The best way to prepare your home for winter is to make sure
                                                                          * Broker
        your  Will  cannot  be  disclosed  without  your  knowledge  or       that it’s in the best possible condi  on before the season starts.
        consent – un  l a  er your death.  If your lawyers are not off ering   GaryBaverstock.  Repair any problems ahead of   me, because if you don’t, small
                 , , pp
                       g g
        this service, please give us a call.                          Realtor      issues can become big ones during a   me of the year when it
                                                                              might be harder to repair them. Do a fall audit to ensure that
                                                                    email: Gary@  everything is in good working order and fi x anything that isn’t.
        McSevney Ebben LLP  | 708 Duke Street, Cambridge ON 519-653-3217  TheBaverstock   Call Gary & Debbie - they will make you their TOP priority.
         Fall 2018
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