Page 32 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE_January2025
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                 DOLLARS & SENSE

                Tax Efficient Investing –Understanding the tax incentives and
                  savings account right for your personal investment strategy

       The government provides tax incentives to encourage individuals to save   Deferring Tax through choice of investment
       and plan for the future. Some common investment savings accounts are   Income tax deferral involves pushing what otherwise would be a
       registered retirement savings plan (RRSP)  Tax Free Savings account   current tax obligation to a future year. By doing so, not only are you
       (TFSA) and First time home savings account (FHSA).       able to reduce current year’s tax bill and potentially benefit from the
       Consider the advantages of these accounts and which ones would benefit   time value of money, but you may also be able to pay tax on that income
       you the most before investment in a tax exposed non-registered plan.  in the future at a lower rate.
       RRSP’s                                                   If your objective is deferring tax you can chose investments that help
       Contributing to an RRSP, including a spousal RRSP, provides you   you achieve this goal. These securities are market linked and more
       with a tax deduction today, which allows you to defer the tax on your   growth oriented.  They can  include ETF, Shares in companies and
       contribution until funds are withdrawn in a future year.  In addition, your   mutual funds. Mutual funds can allocate income or capital gains as
       investments grow on a tax deferred basis  within your plan. Contribution   capital distributions.
       to an RRSP is generally most beneficial when your are in a higher income   If your portfolio contains bonds or GIC’s consider structuring these
       tax bracket. Withdrawals are taxed as income when you with draw and   purchases so that maturity dates are after year end so that the interest
       are best deferred until you retire or at a lower income bracket in future.   payment may be deferred to the following year- or upon maturity.
       The contribution room or accrued amount does carry forward and you   Another consideration, is where the investments should be invested if
       can allocate contributions in later years when you may have       you have different savings plans.  If you are using an RRSP
       more income.                                                      you may want to consider holding more GIC’s or Bonds in
                                                                         that type of investment as you are taxed upon withdrawal
       TFSA’s                                                            – therefore, more growth in that account would mean more
       While you don’t get to enjoy a tax deduction when you             tax payable in future years.  Consider what investments
       make a contribution to your TFSA, the funds invested grows        work best in the type of accounts you are allocating your
       tax-free and are not taxed at all upon withdrawal.  You can       investments into.
       withdraw them any time in the future. Because of the tax-         In addition, certain investments such as real estate
       free attribute, the TFSA may allow you to generate greater        investment REITS – as well as some mutual funds
       tax savings and faster investment growth in a shorter period      distribute non- taxable return of capital payments. Return
       of time.  Often the TFSA can be used to complement your   Erica Tennenbaum, CFP, FCSI  of capital distributions can be thought of as tax-deferred
       existing savings plans. The TFSA has been open since 2009   Senior Portfolio Manager &   income because the distributions aren’t taxable in the year
       with annual contributions.  If you have not contributed at   Wealth Advisor  you receive them. Instead, they reduce the cost base of the
       all and over the age of 18 at the time – your max allowable would be   investment for income tax purposes. The reduced adjusted cost base
       $95000.00 today and the annual amount is $7000 for 2025.  generally results in a larger capital gain or smaller capital loss when you
       FHSA’s                                                   eventually dispose of the investment in the future.
       The FHSA is a newer registered account to help you save for the purchase   Although the objective of these investment choices may be to defer
       of your first home – check with your advisor as it is for those that have   income and consequently the resulting tax, it is always important to
       not owned a home or for those that have not owned a home in the last   consider the investment merits of securities first and foremost.
       few years . Check with your advisor as there is eligibility criteria . With   Hoping these article provides you with a good basis to consider some
       a FHSA, you can enjoy tax deductions for your contributions alongside   of the benefits available to you as an investor and how to structure
       tax-free growth of invested funds. RRSP contributions can still be made   your portfolio in order to keep more of what you earn. Investing tax
       and deducted.  There is a max amount of $40k contribution at $8k per   efficiently may help you build and protect more of your wealth. As
       year.  Withdrawals for a home are tax-free or can be rolled into your   always, working with your Advisor and tax advisor, can help you make
       Registered account in future.                            informed decisions on which tax- efficient investments or strategies
       Strategies for investing in your non-registered accounts  may be most appropriate for you.
       If you have maximized your registered account contributions or have   Consult with your tax advisor if you require assistance and if you would
       determined that investing in those vehicles isn’t appropriate in your   like a copy please email us at or call
       circumstances, there are a number of strategies you can consider when   (519) 621-1307.
       investing in your non-registered accounts.

        This information is not investment advice and should be used only in conjunction with a discussion with your RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Investment Advisor. This will ensure that your own circumstances have been considered properly and that action is taken on the latest
        available information. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable at the time obtained but neither RBC Dominion Securities Inc. nor its employees, agents, or information suppliers can guarantee its accuracy or completeness.
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