Page 43 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE_January2025
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Nathan, who continues to work as
                                                                                  president of Transchem Group, now under
                                                                                  OPW ownership after its sale in January
                                                                                  2024, has been dedicated to the car-wash
                                                                                  industry for many years, alongside their
                                                                                  son, Mackenzie, who also joined the family
                                                                                  business. Their daughter, Lexi, works at
                                                                                  CAMH (the Centre for Addiction and Mental
                                                                                  Norma is thrilled that their family is
                                                                                  expanding, with both of her children
                                                                                  recently engaged to partners she would
                                                                                  choose herself.
                                                                                  “I love the stage that my family is at, and I
                                                                                  could see myself getting to the point where
                                                                                  I would like more flexibility for travel and
                                                                                  that type of thing, but I’m not there yet,”
       banner at Conestoga College, which  “Early in my career, I was told that if you   says Norma. “I really love what I do.”
       included a Dynamics of Leadership course.  understand the people you lead and their   As a result, she has no immediate plans
       She became a program co-ordinator in the  unique challenges and perspectives, you   to retire from her work at the college
       Community Services department in 2009.   can unlock potential that goes far beyond   and continues to relish opportunities
       In 2016, she moved into a secondment as   any technical skill or strategy. This advice   to empower others, both in education
       a Teaching & Learning Consultant before   has stayed with me, as it reflects a deep   and within broader community-based
       transitioning to the position of Executive   truth about leadership – it’s not about   community initiatives.
       Director of Employee Experience and   being in charge; it’s about supporting   “I am passionate about building programs
       Development in 2019, where she remained   those around you to be their best.”  and spaces where people can thrive, grow,
       until 2023. In her current leadership role,  As  a  result,  she encourages  business   and feel a sense of belonging,” says Norma.
       she  works  both  internally  and  externally  leaders to lead with empathy and embrace   She credits much of her community drive
       with alumni, donors, employees, and  continuous learning and adaptability.  to the strong women in her family. Her
       volunteers.                          “We live in a world that is changing rapidly,   great-grandmother founded a seniors'
       “It’s incredibly fulfilling to create spaces  and it’s essential to stay curious and   home in St. George when it was a
       where people feel they are part of  open to new ideas,” says Norma. “Also,   virtually  unheard-of  concept,  while  her
       something larger, and I am constantly  prioritize mentorship and coaching. By   grandmother successfully advocated at
       inspired by the strong connections we  mentoring and coaching others, you create   council to establish a public library for the
       can build,” says Norma, who admires non-  opportunities for growth that benefit not   community. Her other grandmother was an
       traditional leaders and finds inspiration in  only yourself, but the wider community   active community volunteer, holding many
       assisting others reach their full potentials.    you serve.”               leadership roles. Growing up surrounded
       “Watching them grow into confident leaders   In terms of women in leadership   by such inspiring role models instilled in
       motivates me every day and reminds me   roles, she admits some may still   her a deep commitment to community
       that leadership is not about power but   face challenges in terms of both   service.
       about helping others realize their own                                     “I want to ensure that people – whether
       potential. Leadership is about influencing   conscious and unconscious biases   they are students, employees, or partners
       others in a transformative way.”     but notes significant progress        – feel empowered to choose how they

       She credits many leaders for assisting her   continues to be made.         want  to engage  with us (Conestoga
       career journey, among them Conestoga  “Research shows that women, especially   College), strengthening their sense of
       College President Dr. John Tibbits and   in leadership roles, are often held to   belonging," says Norma. "I  see myself
       other members of its leadership team.   different standards and may have to work   continuing to prioritize community service
       “President Tibbits’ focus on community-  harder to prove themselves,” she says.   and volunteering. Giving back is essential
                                                                                  to creating a positive cycle of growth and
       centered  leadership,  transformational  “However, the narrative is changing. We   leadership within communities. I believe
       change, and the belief that exceptional   need to continue advocating for policies   that as leaders, it’s our responsibility
       leaders bring out the best in others   and practices that support work-life   to invest not only in our teams and
       strongly aligns with my own values,” says   balance, equal pay, and opportunities for  organizations but also in the communities.”
       Norma, who has also found inspiration   advancement.” Finding a work-life balance
       in various role models in the community   amid busy careers is something she and
       she grew up and shared her insights at   her husband, Nathan, have managed to
       one of the Chamber’s Women Leadership   accomplish.
       Collective events in 2023.                                                                        Winter 2025  43
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