P. 6


      The making of

      a community

        A little over 50 years ago, the
        communities of Galt, Preston and
        Hespeler were, as the saying goes,
                                                                                 PHOTO SUPPLIED BY THE CITY OF CAMBRIDGE ARCHIVES
        three peas in a pod. Tremendous
                                                                The inaugural Cambridge City Council in 1973.
        sports rivals to the very core of        Today, I live in West Galt. OK, so
        community pride.                         maybe the experiment wasn’t all bad,
        Sorry, for those living in Hespeler and Galt,   after all, my wife (a Galt girl), got me
        but I was a Preston kid. I grew up playing pool   to move from Preston to Galt, and
        at Rusty’s, bought penny candy at Gravelle’s   that was a good start. But let’s not
        Variety, went swimming at ‘Eddie’s Pool (Ed   underscore the collective challenges
        Newland Pool), and sat on the wall by the   we all had in adapting, and ultimately
        Dairy Queen with a Dilly Bar.            embracing  our  new  name  and  our
        But behind the scenes of this young man’s   new community.
        life, there was some interesting politics   The Chamber, however, had a much
        playing out. William Davis was the Premier of   easier time adapting to this new
        Ontario at the time and Darcy McKeough was   reality and kind of bought into the
        his Minister of Municipal Affairs. I guess for   whole concept in the early stage
        some unknown reason, to me at least, they   of amalgamation when the Galt
        figured that we’d be better off together than   Chamber, Preston Chamber and   "The Chamber will create
        apart and as of January 1st, 1973, the Premier   Hespeler Village Association merged   the necessary momentum
        declared, “thou shalt be conjoined into one   to become the Cambridge Chamber
        harmonious community.”                   of Commerce.                        to nurture and champion
        Well, frankly, at that point in my life I was   Looking back, I would have loved to   success by bringing together
        more interested in who was meeting at    have been a fly on the wall during
        Rusty’s after school rather than what anyone   those meetings, but I was too busy   the elements – on all sides
        at Queen’s Park was doing for, or with, my   sitting on the wall by the Dairy Queen   of an issue – to successfully
        hometown of Preston. I can vaguely recall the   catcalling the hot rods driving down
        community  vote  during  the  1972  municipal   King Street. I know now, however,   cultivate all that is good,
        election on what this ‘new city’ should be   that there was likely some kicking   and can be good, in our
        called, and it was narrowed to Cambridge   and screaming but with the universal
        or Blair. In the end, 11,728 residents voted in   understanding that bringing business   community."
        favour of the name Cambridge compared to   together was going to build a better
        9,888 – most of those residing in Galt - who   community with opportunities for   This was the case when the Grand River
        selected Blair. While the name Blair is not   everyone.                     overflowed its banks on that fateful May
        offensive in any way, it is hard for me to wrap   The Chamber throughout the last   17th hitting downtown Galt very hard.
        my head around what might have been had   50 years has been the mainstay for   You may have read or heard the official
        the vote gone the other way.             community development and creating   stories about the inadequacies of the
        We all know the end of that tale: Cambridge   opportunities, filling gaps, and moving   emergency response departments that
                                                                                    unforgettable day. But did you know that
        we shall be, and we shall be united, we shall   the agenda of positivity. It has also   before the  water  arrived the  Chamber
        be one. Sounds good in theory, but perhaps   been here when the community was   President, the late Don Faichney, called
        that ‘experiment’ didn’t exactly work out the   in need. Take the Grand River flood in   the Grand River Conservation Authority
        way it was planned. My children, all born   1974 as an example.             to ask if there was an issue after hearing
        ‘post amalgamation’, still refer to the former   Although we are blessed to have two   there was a dam incident at Conestogo?
        municipal names, for the most part.      of  Canada’s  Heritage Rivers (Grand
        However, isn’t that what community is all   and Speed) running through our   The GRCA confirmed to him that they
                                                                                    had let officials know. But hours later, as
        about? When someone asks us today where   community, they can create issues -   the  river  began  to  rise,  Faichney  called
        we live, we identify, again for the most part,   not just traffic trouble if one of the   the City and of course the newly minted
        with the “old” community names.          bridges is closed - that overshadow   Regional  Municipality  of  Waterloo,
                                                 their beauty.

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