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about what steps they were taking to  The Chamber has always taken the  and Highway 401, North America’s busiest
       alert businesses in the downtown core.  approach of fostering the building of our  roadway. I think if we were to analyze
       Realizing not enough was being done, he  community by not saying no, but by saying  the entire circumstance of Cambridge’s
       then worked as hard as possible to get the  yes and how do we get it done.  amalgamation we would probably agree,
       message out himself by calling businesses   Again, putting political reasoning aside,   in the end, it was good for us. It certainly
       - remember, there was no email or social   back in 1973 our communities needed to   would have been better if we had all been
       media back then. In his Royal Commission   band together since aging infrastructure   on the same page at the time, but we’re
       Inquiry into the Grand River Flood 1974   was becoming an issue - especially in   only 50 years old and that’s a “young’un”
       report, Judge W.W. Leach credited the   Hespeler – and getting new infrastructure   in terms of community years. The best part
       Chamber with providing an early response   was, and remains, a very costly ordeal.   is we’re still young, enthusiastic, looking
       of warning that likely saved some loss.  Preston,  to  its  credit,  had  amazing   forward, and optimistic on what kind of a
       Fortunately, all of that led to the GRCA  infrastructure at that time and was in great   community we can have. We aren’t done
       getting funding to put up those infamous  shape and perhaps could have opted out.   building this community yet, so any further
       walls  in  downtown  Galt  in  hopes  of  However, its leaders recognized that some   craziness of amalgamation talks is off the
       mitigating any future flooding, which also  work was needed to ensure its preservation   table from my perspective.
       led to creating opportunities for revival. In  and supported the move.     What we have now is a community poised
       hindsight, maybe we should have insisted   We know that preservation is always   to explode, and you might not like that,
       on easy river access and raising of the   important, just look at the Gaslight District.   but worry not, anyone reading this is
       water slightly so we could utilize the river   Frankly, there would have been a time   unlikely to be here when that happens and
       in downtown for paddle boat rentals, or   when those historic structures along Grand   the leaders of the day will care about what
       even freezing it to create a Rideau Canal-  Avenue South simply would have been torn   they are doing, just like the leaders of the
       like experience in the winter. By the way,   down but thanks to new investment, those   past did.
       the GRCA is still a willing partner for that to   revived old buildings have been adapted  They will care about being progressive
       happen one day, but I’m not sure the Grand   to last well into the next century.  in community development but also in
       River will freeze anymore thanks to climate                                building a city that is safe, healthy,  and
       change. Still, it might be worth exploring.   Now, let’s be clear, I am not a big fan of   abundantly filled with opportunities. Let’s
       The Chamber of Commerce has also     forced amalgamations. Frankly, I think   celebrate our 50th anniversary in style
                                            those moves are officially political in
       championed the industrial subdivisions   nature. However, I am a fan of working   with  recognizing  we’ve  come  a  long  way
       and was instrumental in two very important   together for the betterment of all.   in the first 50, so let us reach for the top
       community assets: higher education                                         in the next 50. After all, it’s all about the
       and professional live theatre. It was the   Today, many of us remember the dividing   making of a community.
       Chamber who brought together the team   lines of those three former communities,
       – known as the ‘Cambridge Consortium’ -   but in time those too will disappear in the             Greg Durocher
       that eventually would get the University of   memory of its residents as change brings           President & CEO
       Waterloo School  of Architecture  opened   bigger, better, and bolder ideas to build a   Cambridge Chamber of Commerce
       here AND, more formally, out of a tourism   strong, vibrant, and genuinely prosperous
       committee meeting came the call to   community. In many respects, I believe
       establish a live professional theatre in   we are the envy of our neighbours to the
       Cambridge which led to the Hamilton   north which many think want to consume
       Family Theatre which we now hail as a   us since we are the only community in
       ‘community jewel’.                   the region that fully straddles both rivers

         Thanks to the City of Cambridge Archives...

         Much has changed since the City of Cambridge became  It’s been an interesting journey
         ‘official’ in January 1973.                           pulling this all together and we
         Businesses have come and gone, and many prominent people   would  like to  thank  Dan Schmalz,
         stepped forward to make their mark as our community   Information  and  Archives  Analyst
         continues to evolve.                                  with the City of Cambridge Archives,
                                                               for helping to do this by welcoming
         In  this  special  edition  of  INSIGHT,  we  have  taken  the   us into his world.
         opportunity to try and share just a few stories about some of
         these exceptional Cambridge citizens. We also have looked   There is so much to discover
         back at some business ventures and institutions that have   about Cambridge’s past and a great place to do
         played key roles in creating the very fabric of this community.  this is by visiting the Archives, located in historic City Hall at
                                                               46 Dickson St.
         There is so much to cover about what has transpired in
         Cambridge over the course of the last 50 years and we’ve   For information, call the Clerk’s Division at 519-740-4680, or
         tried hard to touch on as much as space would allow.  visit
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