Page 113 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 113
• “What do I want to learn?”
Example: To write without Self One interrupting.
Answering those questions will give you a complete target to hand over to Self Two, the Master Writer within you. By describing your goal completely, you will be putting your order in and making Self Two aware of what you want.
You’re making a request. You’re asking Self Two to help you cre- ate a specific piece of writing. In order to get what you want, you must know what you want. So be sure your goal is exact, specific, and tangible. If you don’t have a clear goal, you won’t get a clear or useful result.
Self Two takes orders. Your job in this step is to give it a clear request.
Step Two: Be Aware of the Moment
All you have is this moment. The past is gone and the future isn’t here yet. Thoughts of the past happen in this moment. Visions of the future happen in this moment. Your point of power is now.
This is the secret to keeping Self One, the chatterbox “monkey mind,” quiet. When you are focused on this moment, you squelch Mr. Editor. Eastern philosophers have known this for centuries. Be aware of something in this moment, something that occupies your mind, and you concentrate all your attention on the moment at hand.
Gallwey suggests tennis players pay close attention to the ball, to see its color, seams, movement. What I do in writing is focus on the pen moving across the page, or on my fingers hitting the keyboard (I have to see the keys to know what to hit). Though I can still hear Self One muttering, I ignore him. In a very real way I am in a hyp- notic trance as I write, what horror-king Stephen King calls “the writer’s trance.”
When you’re focused on the activity happening right now, you are open to Self Two’s guiding hand and not vulnerable to Self One’s editorial voice. If you use a word processor or computer, turn your screen off. Just concentrate on the writing. Without the