Page 192 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 192

                                          Hypnotic Blogging
 he and I hung out together on the set of Las Vegas. (See
So having Lindsay Lohan in my tent wasn’t too surprising.
So I said hey.
She wanted to hear about my trip into the wilds. She seemed
excited and fascinated, her hypnotic eyes locked on mine as I told her my tale.
I told her that weeks earlier I stumbled across a rare plant that could be turned into a tea that helped people start youthing rather than aging.
Despite her young age, and her wealth, and her fame, she was smart enough to know this could be a huge moneymaker.
She wanted to know more.
I reached for my dirty burlap bag and pulled out the root of the plant I had found.
She sensed this was something historic.
“This will help people lose weight and grow younger?” she asked.
“I’m sure of it,” I said. “Look at me. Don’t I look younger al- ready?”
She stared at me as if I were a talking car, but she nodded. “You look great!” she said.
Nothing like having a sexy movie star compliment you.
She added, “You won’t even need to bribe people to buy this
stuff like you did at”
“I’m not so sure,” I told her. “People don’t take action unless they are motivated to do so. An ethical bribe gets them to get off their butts. They may not even buy the Fountain of Youth in a bottle without some added incentive. We in marketing call it The
Psychology of the Second Interest.
I explained to her that even though my latest book Life’s Missing Instruction Manual is good for people, they won’t buy it right now unless something extra moves them to do so.
That’s why I’m offering more than $13,000 in bonuses when people get the book at

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