Page 219 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 219

                                         HYPNOTIC WRITING
 Eric Butterworth, a famous Unity minister and prolific author, would write what he called gibberish every morning, knowing that after he had started this spontaneous writing, it would soon take form and become his next radio sermon, weekly column, or book.
Dan Kennedy writes for one hour every morning, no matter what. He’s one of the highest paid copywriters in the world.
What all of these writers are doing is keeping the door open to their unconscious. They are allowing creativity to visit them. They are letting the Muse know that they are available to receive new information.
I’ve learned to trust my unconscious. This is actually very hypnotic. Hypnotists know that our unconscious contains the answers to virtually all our questions, and has access to more than what we consciously know. This is why doing your home- work in the research phase is so critical. You are feeding your Muse, so to speak.
So my first big secret is that when I sit to write, I do it without much of an idea of what I will say. I have an intention, yes, but not a formulated plan. I’m doing that right now, as I type these words. I’m just typing as fast as I can, letting my unconscious direct what flows. I know I’ll edit this later. As long as I know what is exciting, or unique, about the product or service I’m copywriting about, I’m fired up enough to start my draft.
That’s my first secret.
My second secret may seem bizarre. What I do is imagine I am speaking to someone, telling them what I am writing, and I guess what their questions are. In short, I talk to myself—or at least talk to an imaginary reader in my mind.
In traditional selling, this is called paying attention to the objections and answering them. It’s true in Hypnotic Writing as well. You want to cover all the bases, answer all the questions, give all the details, so your reader is well equipped to make a decision.

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