Page 220 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 220

                                         My Three Biggest Secrets
 Dan Kennedy’s tip is to think of all the reasons someone can possibly not buy your item. Whatever they might say, address it in some convincing way. For example:
Not enough money? Offer a payment plan or send it with no payment required up front.
No need for the item? List the various ways your prospect might use it.
No belief in you? Offer testimonials, a guarantee, and anything else you can think of to prove your case.
I admit I’m doing a type of psychic mind reading act when I practice this second step, but I also confess that this is one of the biggest reasons my letters are so successful. I’m constantly reread- ing my letters, asking myself, “What is the reader asking here?” I then address it.
Far too much copy doesn’t give enough information. I love buy- ing stuff from catalogs and off the Internet. But when the catalog description doesn’t answer all my questions, I don’t buy. My friend Winston Marsh, Australia’s famous marketing guru, says that when people are thinking about buying, they become information junkies. They want long copy. They want answers. My job is to an- ticipate their questions and answer them.
That’s my second secret.
This is where I shine. What I do is read my writing with my famous Swipe File at my side. I look for places to replace a phrase with a hypnotic statement.
You’ve already seen some of this at work earlier in this book. I often go through a letter a dozen times, reading it over, looking for places I can rewrite into a hypnotic statement. The Swipe File is my crutch and secret weapon here. I think anyone serious about writ- ing persuasively needs to have the Swipe File. I’m not telling you that because I wrote the Swipe File (with Larry Dotson). I’m telling you that because it’s the truth.

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