Page 278 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 278

Action, pain and pleasure as motivators of, 60–69
Active language, 211 Advertising (Goode), 82 “Afformations,” 206–207 Agatha Project, 15 Aikido, 79
Allen, Steve, 91
Analogies, using, 106–107 Analogy Book of Related Words,
The (Glasser), 106 Anthony, Robert, 139–140 Aristotle, formula for
persuasion, 61–63 updated, 63–69
Art of Readable Writing, The
(Flesch), 220 Attention, getting reader’s,
99–102 Autogenic training, 2
Barnum, P.T., 82
Barton, Bruce, 128, 206, 224 Before-and-after statement, in
headline, 188
Benefit, promising of, 179–180, 186–188
Blogs, 166–169
Books, hypnotic, 219–221 Boxes, around text, 136 Bradbury, Ray, 97, 193
Braid, James, 2
Breaks, importance of taking,
131 “Breakthrough,” using in
headline, 184
Breakthrough Advertising
(Schwartz), 67 Breakthrough writing, 115–117 Brown, Peter, 4
Bullets, using in copy, 134 Burton, John, 13, 200 Butterworth, Eric, 96–97,
Buying trance, 16, 59
“Calling in” target audience, 179
Caples, John, 178 Carr, Allen, 4

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