Page 279 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 279
Case study, web site hypnotic writing, 31–37
Checklist, for rewriting copy, 215–216
Children, pretending to write for, 113–114, 117
Choice, persuasion and, 217 Christie, Agatha, 15–17
Clichés, using proven, 187 Collier, Robert, 59, 79, 110–111,
208, 219–220
Comic books, writing in style
of, 113–114 Commands, 144–147, 212
that always work, 148–151 Commas, in copy, 211 Conflict, using in stories,
158–159 Conklin, Robert, 20
Connotation, of words, 160–163
Contrast, changing perceptions with,
Controlled study, of hypnotic
writing, 44–52
Copy connectors, 190
Copying great writing by hand,
Covert Hypnosis (Hogan),
Creation, in writing process,
209–210 Crook, Colin, 8, 9
Curiosity, persuasion and, 218
Darrow, Clarence, 109, 111 Denotation, of words, 160–163 Dialogue:
with reader, 194–195
using in writing, 211–212 Direct marketing campaign,
keys to success of, 40–43 Divided Mind, The (Sarno),
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 114 Dynamic Speed Hypnosis
(mail-order course), 27
Easy Way to Stop Smoking
(Carr), 4
Editing. See also Rewriting
avoiding at start of writing process, 84–86
tips for speedy, 127–132 Editors, 119
Edmonston, William, 1 Ego:
getting into reader’s, 20, 22–25, 176–177
persuasion and, 217 Einstein, Albert, 132 Elman, Dave, 26 E-mails:
examples of hypnotic, 225–245
secrets of, 245
stories in, 170–172 Emotional Freedom
Techniques (ETF), 44–52 Emotions, in writing, 116,