Page 281 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
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Hypnotic Techniques for Standard Psychotherapy and Formal Hypnosis (Gafner), 16
Hypnotic writing:
case study of, 31–37 controlled study of, 44–52 defined, 3–4, 14, 26–27 formula for, 205–206,
222–223 origins of, 12–14 resources for, 10
Hypnotic Writing Wizard
(software program), 221
“I” headlines, 182–183 Imitation, of great writing,
Impossible dream exercise, 9 Induction of Hypnosis, The
(Edmonston), 1 Inner game principles of
hypnotic writing:
Self One: the critic, 84–86 Self Two: the master writer,
steps to, 87–90
Inspiration, tips for finding, 96–98
Intention, writing with, 206–207 Intimacy, in writing, 38–39
Karbo, Joe, 110
Kennedy, Dan, 58, 194, 195, 208 King, Stephen, 129
Kissinger, Henry, 132
Lazy Man’s Guide to Riches, The
(Karbo), 110
Length issues, 75–76 Liebeault, Ambroise-August,
Lloyd, Kenneth, 220
London, Jack, 96, 152–154, 193
Magic catalogs, 53–57
Magic Power of Emotional Appeal, The (Garn), 122
Magnetism, 1–2
Massage pen, hypnotic writing
about, 27–30
“Meat,” putting in writing,
“Me” headlines, 182–183 Mental models, 8–9 Mesmer, Franz Anton, 1–2 Method Marketing (Hatch),
Million Dollar Mailings
(Hatch), 220
Mind gaps, 203–204 Moine, Donald, 220 Moment, being aware of
present, 88–89
Money Beyond Belief web sites,
Motivation, pain and pleasure
and, 60–69
Muse, suggestions for inviting,
My Amazing Discovery
(Honek), 82

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