Page 283 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 283
Quiz, about hypnotic writing, 192
Quotes, using, 107–108, 134
Raphel, Murray, 125 Rapport, as key to success, 78 Readers:
getting attention of, 99–102 getting into ego of, 20,
22–25, 176–177 giving readers what they
want, 123
kinds of, 212
meeting needs of, 77–80,
quizzing of, 182 understanding mind of,
58–59, 144–147 visualizing of, 115–116 “warning” in headline, 186 writing to just one, 116
Reading aloud, 130, 212
Reese, John, 224
Relaxation, 97–98
Reminders, as triggers, 174–175 Repetition, power of, 81–83 Research, importance of,
109–111, 207–209 Reverse type, using in headline
but not in text, 186 Revision, 189–190
Reward, persuasion and, 217 Rewriting, 99–102. See also
checklist for, 215–216 copy connectors, 190
knowing when to stop, 132 openings, 189–190
secrets of, 211–213
tips for, 103–108
Robert Collier Letter Book, The
(Collier), 208, 219–220 Rosen, Sam, 50
Ruskin, John, 118 Ruth, Babe, 122
Sarno, John, 4
Scarcity principle, 54–55 Schank, Roger, 137, 139–140,
174–175 Schultz, Wilhem, 2 Schwab, Victor, 220
Schwartz, Eugene, 67, 193 Scott, DeWitt, 129
Sea Wolf, The (London),
152–154 Self-criticism, 84–86 “Sexy” writing, 133–136 Shakespeare, William, 4 Silvester, Trevor, 204 Similes, using, 104–106
St. John, Noah, 206–207 Stampede Secret web site,
States of Equilibrium (Burton),
200 Stories:
asking questions in, 164–165 on blogs, 166–169 connotation and denotation
in, 160–163
in e-mails, 170–172