Page 284 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 284
examples of, 139–143 telling of, 137–138
using conflict in, 158–159
“Story of Ramon, The” (Anthony), 139–140
Swipe File, 195–196, 212
Tell Me a Story (Shank), 137, 174–175
Tempest, The (Shakespeare), 4 Testimonials, 124–125, 181 Testing, of written copy, 214 There’s a Customer Born Every
Minute (Vitale), 82 Thesaurus, using, 103–104 “These,” using in headline, 182 Translation, as secret to
hypnotic writing, 18–21,
Triggers, reminders as, 174–175 Trust, in writing process, 89–90 Turning point message (TPM),
Twain, Mark, 39, 91, 103,
Unconscious Directed Writing, 209
Unlimited Selling Power (Moine and Lloyd), 220
Upper and lower case letters, using in headline, 184
Visual attractiveness, 125–126 Visualization, of events, 115 Vitale, Joe, 82, 141–143, 221
Waking hypnosis, 26–27 example of, 27–30
“Wanted,” using in headline, 183
Warren, Blair, 162–163 Weakness, admitting, 185 Webb, James, 178
Web sites:
case study of hypnotic writing, 31–37
hypnotic formula for, 70–74
length of copy on, 75–76 of Money Beyond Belief,
rewriting of, 191
of Stampede Secret, 40–43
Webster, Richard, 193
Wells, H.G., 119
Wells, Wesley, 26
White, E.B., 100, 211
“Who else,” asking in headline,
185 “Why”:
asking in headline, 182
asking in writing, 206–207 Wind, Yoram, 8
connotation of, 160–163 to help reader imagine,
hypnotic power of, 14–16 to use in headlines,
using short, 103–104 word pictures, 124