Page 282 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 282

Neurypnology, 2 News, in headline, 179,
Objections: anticipating, 56 countering, 146–147
Ogilvy, David, 178–179, 207–208
Openings, revising, 189–190 Optical illusions, 201–202
“P.S.,” adding to letter, 125 Pain, as action motivator,
60–69 Paragraphs:
cutting first few, 128 rearranging, 211 using short, 134–136
Parker, Charlie, 98 Pavlov, Ivan, 108 Perceptions, changing of,
197–204 Perdue, Frank, 110
Perfection, as enemy of hypnotic writing,
118–120 Personality, revealing in
writing, 38–39 Persuasion, 61–69, 121–126,
Pleasure, as action motivator,
60–69 Plous, Scott, 200
Point of writing, getting to, 117
Positive results, focusing on, 185
Power of a Magnetic Personality, The (Conklin), 20
Power of Impossible Thinking, The (Wind and Crook), 8, 9
Power of Outrageous Marketing
(Vitale), 221
Power Persuasion (course), 221 Prahalad, C.K., 8–9 Preoccupation, of readers,
Price, call to action and, 63, 68,
Problem, presenting in writing,
61–62, 68, 125
Product name, in headline, 183 Promise, making in writing, 62,
68, 70–74 Prompt, using, 97
Proof, providing in writing, 63, 68, 70–74
Psychology of Judgment and Decision, The (Plous), 200
Psychology of the second interest, 166–169
Puysegur, Marquis de, 2
answering reader’s, 144–147 asking in writing, 164–165,
asking leading, 123–124 in headlines, 180–181 of typical reader, 77–80

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