Page 45 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
P. 45

                                         HYPNOTIC WRITING
 “Suppression is building bombs. When you bury an emo- tion, you bury it alive.”
See the difference? I do this with all my copywriting. I take what I’m handed and translate it into benefits, clear language, and bottom line emotion. This truly does feel like translating languages to me. And like learning any new language, it takes time to master.
I take the copy given to me, turn on the part of my mind that knows how to speak copywriting, and I translate the words in front of me into words you can understand.
I also do this copywriting translation with news releases. For ex- ample, last month I was hired to write a news release for a woman’s book. I could have written a headline that said, “New Book Ex- plains How to Communicate Better,” which is what the book is about. But that’s Italian. It doesn’t speak in emotional terms or in a way most editors want to hear.
After doing some research and learning more about the author, I translated the headline to instead read, “Female Pentagon Advisor Reveals Tips to Success.” The latter is far more intriguing. All I did was translate her book into news. I took it from Italian to English. I took it from English to Emotion. I took it from words to power.
What’s the secret to being a good “copy translator”?
I could probably quote a relevant line from any number of books on marketing. But I’ll grab one from a 1965 book I just re- ceived today. It’s by Robert Conklin. The title is The Power of a Magnetic Personality. He wrote: “Putting it simply, it means this: Every time you state a fact, describe how that fact will benefit the other person.”
There you have it. It’s what I’ve been saying for years: “Get out of your ego and into your reader’s ego.” Translate what you want to say into simple words and concepts that make sense to your readers.
I hope I’ve done that with this brief chapter. I began with the idea to tell you how I write sales copy. But I didn’t want to just say, “I translate all words into sales copy,” which may or may not make

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