Page 2 - RASSOW 15aQ - Cleaning behind the Walking Floor Headboard
P. 2

RISK ASSESSMENT & SAFE SYSTEM OF WORK                                                         HSF18

                                                                     The trailer is only to be swept out whilst   The Driver, General Manager and Transport
           Collision or impact with mobile                 Drivers   inside a shed after tipping. Drivers must be   Manager to ensure only trained drivers
           plant / Other Vehicles          5   3   15    Passengers   mindful of plant vehicles moving about in the   operate the articulated vehicles with a   5   1   5
                                                                     immediate area. Please remember the 5   walking floor
                                                                     metre rule.
                                                                     Drivers must wear a hard hat, gloves, vest and  The Driver, General Manager and Transport
                                                           Drivers   safety boots as a minimum requirement   Manager to ensure only trained drivers
           PPE                             3   4   12    Passengers   when cleaning out the trailer behind the   operate the articulated vehicles with a   3   1   3
                                                                     moving headboard.                       walking floor. The supervisor and Manager
                                                                                                             on site where the trailer is being loaded.
                                                                     Trailers are to be cleaned out whilst the   The Driver, General Manager and Transport
                                                           Drivers   trailer is inside the tipping shed. Trailers are   Manager to ensure only trained drivers
           Inclement / Adverse weather    4   4    16    Passengers   not to be swept out (OUTSIDE a SHED) in   operate the articulated vehicles with a   4   3   12
                                                         The public   inclement or adverse weather conditions.   walking floor.

                                                                     Vehicles and trailers are to be driven away   The Driver, General Manager and Transport
           Unstable Ground                              Drivers      from the heap after tipping and if cleaning   Manager to ensure only trained drivers
                                          4   3    12                behind the headboard the vehicle must be on   operate the articulated vehicles with a   4   2   8
                                                                     flat firm ground.                       walking floor.

                                                                     Drivers are reminded that when cleaning out   The Driver, General Manager and Transport
                                                                     the trailer behind the headboard the trailer   Manager to ensure only trained drivers
           Safe Loading & Restraints      4   3    12   Drivers      doors must be correctly fastened back.   operate the articulated vehicles with a   4   2   8
                                                                                                             walking floor.

                                                      Revision 1 Date: 21/02/2022 Authorised by UK Group SHEQ Manager
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