Page 2 - FLEET COMPLIANCE Alert November 2024
P. 2
EU Driver’s Hours and Tachographs
There has recently been a couple of incidents whereby drivers have operated a
vehicle ‘in-scope’ of EU Driver’s Hours without correctly using the Tachograph
Recording Equipment (Driving without a valid driver’s digital tachograph card).
This bulletin is to remind you, the driver, of your responsibilities towards the
Operator’s Licence Undertakings:
Keeping Proper and Accurate Records. You must:
Record ALL of your day’s working duties, regardless of whether you are in control of a vehicle or not.
Produce an unbroken 24/7 record for the current and, at least, the previous 28 calendar days, including all
daily and weekly rest periods.
Record all periods of absence (sickness, holidays etc.) as ‘REST’. Furthermore, that record must be made in
one of the following ways:
A manual entry on the digital tachograph machine.
A manual record on a printout.
Letter of Attestation.
Slide 2 Compliance