Page 2 - FLEET COMPLIANCE Alert November 2024
P. 2

EU Driver’s Hours and Tachographs

           There has recently been a couple of incidents whereby drivers have operated a
           vehicle ‘in-scope’ of EU Driver’s Hours without correctly using the Tachograph

           Recording Equipment (Driving without a valid driver’s digital tachograph card).

           This bulletin is to remind you, the driver, of your responsibilities towards the

           Operator’s Licence Undertakings:

           Keeping Proper and Accurate Records. You must:

               Record ALL of your day’s working duties, regardless of whether you are in control of a vehicle or not.
               Produce an unbroken 24/7 record for the current and, at least, the previous 28 calendar days, including all

                daily and weekly rest periods.
               Record all periods of absence (sickness, holidays etc.) as ‘REST’. Furthermore, that record must be made in

                one of the following ways:

            A manual entry on the digital tachograph machine.

            A manual record on a printout.
            Letter of Attestation.

      Slide 2                                                                                                                                                                    Compliance
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