Page 3 - FLEET COMPLIANCE Alert November 2024
P. 3
If your card is lost, stolen or damaged, you must
Drive a vehicle without your own, valid driver’s digital card inform the YOUR LINE MANAGER immediately and
in the Tachograph Recording Equipment. CONTACT THE DVLA to request a replacement.
One of the most frequent offences committed by drivers is Ensure you record all correspondence, including a
failing to keep a ‘full and proper record’. reference number, and carry this on your person
whilst driving.
You Can:
Move a vehicle without your card in the tachograph machine You will then be permitted to operate a vehicle under
IF that vehicle is parked and blocking the exit to your vehicle EU Regulations, providing you record daily vehicle
and preventing you from starting your daily duties. Only then printouts, for a maximum of 15 days. If your card
move this vehicle to the nearest and safest clearing point, hasn’t arrived after 15 days, you must not operate a
allowing you to continue with your duties. vehicle and inform your LINE MANAGER.
A ny attempt to falsify records either by way of an absence constitute ‘lost, stolen or damaged’. You will be
Leaving it at home, for example, does not
of records, e.g. moving a vehicle without a card in a position to required to return home to collect it.
record, using a digital card other than your own or interference of
the recording mechanism by items or devices, will be fully
investigated and if proven, could lead to DISCIPLINARY ACTION.
Slide 3 Compliance