Page 3 - Mountain Transport - Walking floors
P. 3
Mid UK Recycling Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work
Section 1 Risk Index Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Risk Index
Description of the hazards and Without What/ Arrangements required to adequately Person responsible for With Control
risks Control Who is at control the risk implementing and monitoring Measures
risk the controls
S x P = RI S x P = RI
Falls from Height including Trained drivers with a drivers CPC The Driver, Fleet General
Access & Egress qualification. Trained on 3 points of contact. Manager and Transport
5 3 H Drivers Adequate access and egress steps in place Manager to ensure only trained 5 2 H
with handle to ensure 3 points of contact. drivers operate the articulated
Employees to take extra care when accessing vehicles with a walking floor.
and egressing, look at the condition of the Sticker labels are placed on all
ground before stepping out of the vehicle or vehicles and trailers with the
stepping off the trailer. potential of a climb as a
reminder of 3 points of contact.
Falling Objects Always look up when Checking the load until The Driver, General Manager
you are satisfied it is safe. The load should be and Transport Manager to
4 3 H evenly distributed over the axels. Use the ensure only trained drivers 4 1 L
automatic sheet to sheet the trailer in line operate the articulated vehicles
with the SSoW below. Check the area of the with a walking floor. Managers
trailer and unit for loose debris around the are to ensure drivers are aware
vehicle before going onto the public of checking the load from the
highway. Always wear the correct 5 pieces of round upwards.
PPE. Check the edges of the trailer for debris
from ground level.
Collision or impact with Site inductions will take place before a new The Driver, General Manager RASSoW 15Q
mobile plant / Other Vehicles driver enters a new site. including site safety and Transport Manager to
Drivers Walking Floor Operations
5 3 H plan and traffic management plans. ensure only trained drivers 5 1 L
Pedestrian walkways and crossing areas to operate the articulated vehicles
be in place. Drivers are instructed not to with a walking floor.
leave their cabs in loading areas.
Review Dates:
(V2) – 06-01-2025 / Next R/D 05-01-2026
Review by Steve Bennett
Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg