Page 8 - Mountain Transport - Walking floors
P. 8

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work

             Section 1          Risk Index   Section 2               Section 3                           Section 4               Risk Index

      Description of the hazards   Without   What/ Who   Arrangements required to adequately   Person responsible for implementing   With Control
             and risks           Control     is at risk           control the risk               and monitoring the controls     Measures

                               S x P =  RI                                                                                      S x P =  RI

                                                       Vehicle operations should only be carried
         Unstable Ground                               out on level. The operator should contact
                                                                                            The Driver, General Manager and
                                                       transport manager for advice if not sure.
                                                                                            Transport Manager to ensure only
                                            Drivers    Whenever you exit from the cab ALWAYS   trained drivers operate the articulated
                               4   3   H    Passengers  look onto the ground before you place   vehicles with a walking floor.  4    2   M
                                                       your first step down. If walking floors are
                                                       loaded on slopes, they may need to draw
                                                       forward to level ground to check the in
                                                       cab weighing system is reading the correct

                                                       There is an Alcohol and Drugs Policy in
     Driving under the influence
         of Alcohol or Drugs                Drivers    place within Beauparc. Random alcohol   The Driver, General Manager and
                                            Passengers  and drug testing will take place at any time  Transport Manager to ensure only
                                                       and for any driver or employee. Under no   trained drivers operate the articulated
                               2   3   M               circumstances should drivers use alcohol   vehicles with a walking floor.  2  2    L
                                                       or drugs during the working day. If using
                                                       over the counter drugs then they must be
                                                       brought to the transport managers

                                                       Drivers Must ensure that they use the
      Safe Loading & Restraints
                                                       trailer canopy (Sheet) to secure the load   The Driver, General Manager and
                                                       and stop any items from being blown out   Transport Manager to ensure only
                                                       of the trailer. In adverse weather   trained drivers operate the articulated                                            RASSoW 15Q
                               4   3   H               conditions the trailer is to have its storm   vehicles with a walking floor.  4  2  M                  Walking Floor Operations
                                                       straps used. Vehicles must not run with
                                                       the sheet open. Drivers are to check load
                                                       restraints and if not in a 100% safe
                                                       condition they are to be defected via the
                                                       vehicle defect report form.                                                                                                 Review Dates:
                                                                                                                                                             (V2) – 06-01-2025 / Next R/D 05-01-2026
                                                                                                                                                                          Review by Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                            Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg
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