Page 7 - Mountain Transport - Safe loading and Load Restraint
P. 7
Mid UK Recycling Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work
Section 1 Risk Index Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Risk Index
Description of the hazards and Without What/ Who is at risk Arrangements required to adequately control Person responsible for With Control
risks Control the risk implementing and Measures
monitoring the controls
S x P = RI S x P = RI
Walking Floors:
Drivers The Driver, Fleet General
Before Loading a Other Road Users Prior to loading over the sheet into a Manager, Group Head of
Pedestrians walking floor trailer the driver needs to Fleet and Transport
Walking Floor Trailer prepare the trailer. This should be done
Workers at height Managers to ensure the
Cyclist BEFORE the driver moves the vehicle into rules are all applied
VRU’s the area (Loading bay) for loading. whilst drivers operate on
their site.
Prior to Loading Check the sheet stopping pegs are all
vertical on the side of the trailer. This topic will be
Open 1 side of the rear trailer doors reminded to all in LMS
and secure that door back against the
Artic / Walking Floor Training.
trailer with the chain & bar.
Using the trailer ladder climb into the
4 5 H rear of the trailer with 3 points of 4 1 L
contact and your FULL PPE ON.
Push up the internal door to the front
of the trailer and lay the mat flat onto
the ground.
Exit the trailer using 3 points of
contact. Close and secure the rear RA-013Q
Open the walking floor sheet fully. Safe Loading & Load
ENSURE the walking floor is isolated at Restraint
the control box switch.
Wait to be called forward into the
loading area by the loader.
REMEMBER: Review Dates:
Watch out for moving vehicles & plant as you are getting into (V2) – 06-01-2025 / Next R/D 05-01-2026
Review by Steve Bennett
and out of the trailer. Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg