Page 15 - Mid UK Driver Handbook
P. 15

Risk Assessment - 8. Dakota Farm                                                     Return to contents page


         Risk Assessment NUMBER   Risk Assessment Number 15
         TITLE                   Dakota Chicken Farm
         DESCRIPTION OF TASK     Collection of Chicken Litter
         LOCATION                Quarrington    ASSESSOR      Steve Bennett     REVISION No.    001
         ASSESSMENT TEAM         Steve Bennett   N/A          N/A                N/A             N/A
         (List all people involved)
         Date of Initial Assessment   01/03/2023              Next Review Date   01/03/2024
         Reviewed Date:          01/03/2024                   Reviewed By:      Steve Bennett
         Key: S = Severity     P = Probability     RI = Risk Index     S x P = RI              Risk Index
          S   Severity Description           P   Probability (how likely is the occurrence)   S     1   2   3   4   5
          1   No damage / no injury          1   Practically impossible / highly unlikely   5   5   10   15   20   25
          2   Damage to vehicle / damage to    2   Not likely but small chance of happening   4   4   8   12   16   20
              environment / no injury
          3   Minor injury / illness (occupational)   3   Possible                3    3     6    9    12    15
          4   Major injury / illness (occupational)   4   Likely therefore assume can happen   2   2   4   6   8   10
          5   Fatality                       5   Very likely therefore assume will happen   1   1   2   3   4   5
              Section 1     Risk Index   Section 2          Section 3                Section 4         Risk Index
           Description of the    Without    What/ Who is    Arrangements required to    Person responsible for    With Control
           hazards and risks   Control    at risk     adequately control the risk   implementing and monitoring    Measures
                                                                                    the controls
                           S   P   RI                                                                 S   P   RI
                                                   Satellite navigation
                                                   devices for cars are NOT to be used   The driver or operator will have
                                          Drivers   in any Beauparc Truck.   full responsibility of operating or
                                        Other Road   Satellite Navigation    using a truck satellite navigation
          Satellite Navigation    5   4   20   Users.   devices designed for trucks may be   system. Car satellite navigation in   5   3   15
              Devices                     Bridges   used at the operators risk however   a truck is forbidden.
            Cars / Trucks                 Width    they must contain the correct
                                         openings    information data for the vehicle   The General Manager will
                                                   you are driving. They may only be   monitor and implement this
                                                   used for the final 1 mile of the   procedure.
                                                   journey destination.

                                          Drivers    The only map book to be used is a    The General Manager will
                                        Other Road   map book that displays bridge   monitor and implement this
                                          Users.   heights, bridge widths and weight.    procedure.
            LGV Map Book   5   4   20     Bridges   Turn left at the monument into   When exiting the farm turn right,   5   2   10
                                          Width    Chapel Lane and  then you will   do not turn left.
                                         openings    enter the farm on your right.

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