Page 8 - Mountain Transport Access and Egress to Vehicles and Trailers
P. 8

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work
            Section 1           Risk Index     Section 2                 Section 3                     Section 4             Risk Index

    Description of the hazards and   Without   What/ Who is at    Arrangements required to        Person responsible for    With Control
              risks              Control          risk            adequately control the risk  implementing and monitoring    Measures
                                                                                                      the controls
                               S x P =  RI                                                                                  S x P =   RI

                                                             Falls can be prevented. These are
       FALL PREVENTION:                    Drivers           some simple things you can do to   The Driver, Fleet General
                                           Passenger         keep yourself from falling.        Manager, Group Head of
                                                                                                Fleet and Transport
                                                             Before you use handrails or steps   Managers to ensure the
                                                             use a rag to ensure they are dry and  rules are all applied whilst
                                                             clean. Wear you gloves (PPE).      drivers operate on their
                                                                    DO NOT OVERREACH
                                                                                                This topic will be reminded
                                                             HAVE YOUR EYES CHECKED:            to all in LMS Training.
                                                             Have your eyes checked by an
                                                             optician at least once a year and be
                                                             sure to update your eyeglasses if
                               4   4   H                                                                                   3    4     M
                                                             DO STRENGTH AND BALANCE                ALWAYS TRY TO
                                                             EXERCISES:                          COMPLETE YOUR WORK
                                                             Do exercises that make your legs      AT GROUND LEVEL
                                                             and hand grip stronger and improve
                                                             your balance.                      “IF ITS NOT POSSIBLE YOU
                                                                                                   MUST INFORM THE
                                                             REMAIN VIGILENT:                     TRANSPORT OFFICE”                                                               RA-58Q
                                                             Always monitor to ground you are                                                                       Access and Egress to
                                                             about to step onto when exiting the                                                                       Vehicles & Trailers
                                                             vehicle cab. Avoid parking the        “LOOK WHERE YOU
                                                             vehicle in ruts and holes, knowing       ARE GOING”
                                                             that you will soon be exiting.
                                                                 IF YOU DO FALL OR GAIN AN                                                                                         Review Dates:
                                                              INJURY “INFORM THE TRANSPORT                                                                    (V2) – 06-01-2025 / Next R/D 05-01-2026
                                                                   OFFICE IMMEDIATELY”.                                                                                    Review by Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                             Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg
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