Page 3 - Mountain Transport - Security and Counter Terrorism
P. 3

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work

             Section 1           Risk Index    Section 2                Section 3                       Section 4             Risk Index
    Description of the hazards and   Without   What/ Who is   Arrangements required to adequately   Person responsible for   With Control
               risks              Control       at risk              control the risk          implementing and monitoring    Measures
                                                                                                       the controls
                                S x P =  RI                                                                                  S x P =   RI

     People & Buildings                                    Drivers and all staff are to be vigilant
                                             Managers                                         Directors, General Managers,
     In the event of:                                      when going about their daily business.
                                                                                              Transport Managers, all
                                5   4    H   Drivers       Stop and question faces you do not                               5    1     L
     * Explosion                                                                              company managers, and drivers
                                                           identify and escort them to reception or
     * Shooting                              Other Road    the transport office. Every visitor will sign   to ensure that the company
                                             Users                                            always remain safe by being
     •  I.E.D                                              their details into the visitor book.   vigilant and questioning the
                                             Pedestrians   Constant alertness by all staff. If you are
                                                           suspicious with reason of concern, call   unknown. The unknown being
                                             Cyclist                                          unfamiliar faces, packages,
                                                           999 direct and explain the situation then
                                                                                              parcels, and anything unusual
                                             Contractors   contact traffic office. Threat levels to be
                                                           advertised on notice boards. The counter   out of the daily routine.
                                                           terrorist champion (CTC) is to alert all
                                                           personnel within Mountain Transport to
                                                           any changes of the terrorist threat. All
                                                           (EV-P) evacuation points in the event of
                                                           an incident are to be at the main offices
                                                           located at the FARM on Town Road. (see
                                                           evacuation map in the SSoW) The
                                                           evacuation procedure is to be as per the
                                                           rules listed within the counter terrorism
                                                           policy. Constant alertness by all staff                                                                             RASSoW-03Q
                                                           regardless to appointment.
                                                                                                                                                                   Security & Counter

                                                                                                                                                                                   Review Dates:
                                                                                                                                                             (V2) – 06-01-2025 / Next R/D 05-01-2026
                                                                                                                                                                          Review by Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                            Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg
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