Page 4 - Mountain Transport - Security and Counter Terrorism
P. 4
Mid UK Recycling Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work
Section 1 Risk Index Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Risk Index
Description of the hazards and Without What/ Who is Arrangements required to adequately Person responsible for With Control
risks Control at risk control the risk implementing and monitoring Measures
the controls
S x P = RI S x P = RI
The Driver, Fleet General
CCTV is in place recording the
Vehicles: Managers Manager and Transport
movements of vehicles in the yard. All
5 3 H Drivers vehicles are tracked for movement. If Manager to ensure the rules are 5 1 L
Theft or Hijack you are suspicious with reason of
Other Road
concern, call 999 direct and explain the Directors, General Managers,
situation then contact traffic office Transport Managers, all
Pedestrians Constant alertness by all staff. Duty company managers, and drivers
manager is to be called out of hours. to ensure that the company
Duty manager to call the police. During always remain safe by being
Contractors working hours, the transport manager is vigilant and questioning the
to inform the police and give as much unknown. The unknown being
detail as possible including the vehicle unfamiliar faces, packages,
parcels, and anything unusual
tracking information.
out of the daily routine.
The Driver, Fleet General
PPE PPE to be worn in the event of any Manager and Transport
incident HOWEVER PPE (Vest) is to be
5 3 H Manager to ensure the rules are 5 1 L
removed if the driver is running away
from a suspect. Full PPE, including hard RASSoW-03Q
hat will be worn. Constant alertness by Directors, General Managers,
all staff. Call 999 direct and explain the Transport Managers, all Security & Counter
situation. RUN, HIDE, TELL. company managers, and drivers
to ensure that the company Terrorism
always remain safe by being
vigilant and questioning the
unknown. The unknown being
unfamiliar faces, packages,
parcels, and anything unusual Review Dates:
out of the daily routine. (V2) – 06-01-2025 / Next R/D 05-01-2026
Review by Steve Bennett
Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg