Page 59 - RA-23Q - Risk-Assessments-Mountain-Drivers
P. 59

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment (Mountain Transport)
   Method Statement

                                                   Mid UK Recycling                          All Mobile Phones and ALL
                                                  Mountain Transport
                                                 Quarrington, Sleaford                               Handheld Devices
                                                   Linc’s. NG34 8NX

   Name                        Mobile Phones and Handheld Devices

   Personnel Involved          All Employed staff at Mountain Transport this includes all drivers of LGV vehicles and staff.

   General Manager             Mr Rick Legg
   Hazards                     Distractions

   Whilst driving.             All drivers must comply to the driving standards policy that is in place by the company explaining the company procedure on in cab
                               technology specifically on mobile phone use and hand-held devices.
   This will apply to all drivers and
   office staff in a company vehicle:
                               No double earpieces or headphones are allowed to be worn by any driver whilst the vehicle is in motion and the engine running.

                               Annual Toolbox Talks on in vehicle technology are in place for every driver and an acknowledgement by all drivers is received in the form of
                               a signature after they have read and understood the document.

                               The driver’s handbook covers company compliance for drivers on in cab vehicle technology. Specifically, on Mobil phones and hand-held

                               Newsletters are published to all drivers monthly with reminders (at periodic times) to the use of mobile phones and all in vehicle
                               technology. In cab technology is discussed at every annual driver CPC course.
                               Driver training is conducted with every driver on an annual basis and in cab technology is discussed with the driver.
   Drivers.                    Drivers may use an earpiece (one only) however the earpiece must be activated from the vehicle steering wheel and under no                 Walking Floor Operations
                               circumstances must any electronic device (Mobile phone or other handheld device) be within hand holding distance. Any call must last no
                               longer than 20 seconds. If calls are to last longer the driver must inform the caller, he/she will return the call. Then hand up the phone.
                               The driver may then stop the vehicle in a safe and legal place turn off the engine then return the call. Any call must be fully hands free
                               whilst the vehicle is in motion.                                                                                                                    Review Dates:
                                                                                                                                                             (V1) – 02-09-2023 / Next R/D 01-09-2024
                                                                                                                                                           Review by FORS Practitioner - Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                            Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg
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