Page 54 - RASSoW09Q - Skip Lorry Operations
P. 54

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work

                                         PART 3 - Question and Answer Section

    RASSOW                      RASSOW 09Q Skip Vehicle Operations
    This record is to be kept on the driver's file.

    In order to assess the understanding of this risk assessment and the safe system of work (RASSoW) the driver carrying out this assessment must answer the questions
    correctly to show that they have understood what is required to carry out this task safety. Any questions answered incorrectly will be explained in more detail by the
    person rolling out this training. This is not a test. It's an assessment. Read the question and place A, B, C or D in the white box below.

    Please answer the correct question with an A, B, C or D within the white box.
    Question 1 – Drivers are not to load overloaded skips onto their vehicle. Instead,   Question 5 – The first thing a driver must do when arriving on site with a skip
    they must take a photo on either their phone or tablet and:           delivery, collection or exchange is?

    A. Send the photo to the office then contact the transport office.    A. Find the paperwork that the customer needs to sign.
    B. Net up the skip when it's loaded on the vehicle.                   B. Complete a driver risk assessment to ensure the area is safe.
    C. Only deliver overloaded skips to the Barkston site NOT the Caythorpe site.                   C. Talk to the office and confirm the delivery address.
    D. Send the overloaded skip photograph to the customer.                          D. Ask the customer to complete a feedback form.

    Question 2 – Five pieces of PPE is to be worn on all sites? This includes:  Question 6 – When tipping a skip. The load will not come out. Therefore, you will
                                                                           have to:
                                                                          A. Reverse onto a tipping ramp and lift the whole vehicle.
    A. High visibility vest or jacket, hard hat, Safety boots, gloves, safety glasses.
                                                                          B. Ask a colleague to help you pull the load out.
    B. High visibility trousers, hard hat, Safety boots, gloves.
                                                                          C. Find a pole and poke the blockage.
    C. High viability vest, hard hat, Over boots, gloves, glasses
                                                                          D. Contact the office and explain the situation.
    D. High viability vest or jacket, hard hat, Safety boots, gloves.
    Question 3 – When can you climb the side walls of the skip vehicle?   Question 7 – After using the torque wrench on a newly fitted wheel by the tyre
                                                                          fitter the driver must:
                                                                          A. Photograph the wheel and send the photograph to the transport office.
    A. Once spoken to the traffic office to confirm its OK to climb.
                                                                          B. Complete the yellow talk tag and return it to the office.
    B. When you need to check the load.
                                                                          C. Record the torque settings on the garage torque settings register.
    C. Only in windy conditions to secure the sheet.
                                                                          D. Record the amount of air used in the new tyre.                                                            HSF18
    D. You Must NOT climb up the sides of the vehicle under ANY circumstances.
    Question 4 – When can I use a handheld device when driving my truck?  Question 8 – When placing a skip on the main road the driver must ensure that the                    RASSoW09Q
                                                                          skip also has:                                                                                     Skip Lorry Operations
    A. If I receive a telephone call from the office.                     A. Wheels attached for easy movement by the customer.
    B. If my wife/partner calls me at work whilst I am driving.           B. Two traffic cones (1 at either end) and a flashing light fitted.
    C. Drivers are reminded that NO handheld devices should be used when   C. A protected cover over the skip.
    the vehicle engine is in a running state.                             D. The fill line clearly marked so that the skip is not over filled.                                     Review Dates:
    D. When parked up and the engine is running.                                                                                                             (V5) – 06-09-2023 / Next R/D 05-09-2024
                                                                                                                                                           Review by FORS Practitioner - Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                         Approved by General Manager – Fred Flatters
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