P. 74

Still fixing her ice water and placing it on the nightstand. I cannot find myself letting go. Night clothes are neatly folded
                   on the bed. I can’t bring myself to remove the sheets or pillowcases from where she died. Night slippers in place for

                   when she rises. Crazy, am I? Find myself talking to her every day, all day, about everything. I listen to what she might
                   say. Wanting never to forget her voice, and her laughter, I miss hearing her say, "I Am So In Love with You.” We both

                   said that every day and all day. There was always a reason. Our hearts begged us to. I had a wonderful life with her. A
                   Wonderful Life, She was and is my world to come. I know she will be waiting for me. I know she will be there to greet
                   me. It pains my heart to wait. I know she is my second element.

                  Jan. 30, 2020

                  My Joyselyn for the past 30+ years has always cut my hair till today. It felt like I was cheating. Nearly broke down and

                  cried sitting in the chair.

                  Jan. 30, 2020

                  I miss hearing my Joyselyn call my name from the kitchen and ask to use my long arms to reach the top shelf for an item

                  needed, or what may I fix you for dinner my darling? Most of the time, and most, missed calling my name and telling me

                  she loved me—her way of baiting me for a hug. It worked every time, and I never grew tired of the bait, and I took that
                  bait hook, line, and sinker. Being held by her always made me feel like the prize catch of the day, never could she reach

                  her limit.

                  Feb. 12, 2020

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