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Many well-intended friends have responded to my post lovingly, prayerfully, and giving their condolences for my
                    Joyselyn going to be with the Father. I thank each and everyone that has responded and showed concerns for me.

                    Many have said that she was watching over me, and Oh, how I fantasize that to be true. I see her in my mind all the
                    time; I feel her always in my heart. She left me just before all this craziness started with the pandemic, rioting in our

                    streets. I believe she was taken to her heavenly home so she would not be heartbroken and sick over the evil coming

                    our way. She warned me days earlier that it was to be; three days later, it began. I do hope she never returns to this
                    place on my account or any other. I know she is right where she is meant to be with her Father in Heaven. Free from

                    all her pain, all the sorrows, and heartaches of this world. What she left behind is a grateful heart full of hope and love,
                    never to be missed, and never to be miss-used again. I will always fantasize about her being here with me, right up till

                    the day I take my last breath. Pray she will be there to greet me with Adonai.

                    Nov. 22, 2020

                    My Joyselyn was dauntless for God’s Word. She shared His heart every day and throughout that day with unspeakable
                    love, understanding, and wisdom—what a witness of the Father’s love she was. An open heart ready to give more than

                    I could ever take in. Always more than I could ever return. What an emptiness left in this old life of mine. Joyselyn was
                    always about the Father, and forever that connection between us was known. It’s now the Eve of Thanksgiving, and I

                    am so unable to put my feelings into readable words. This time last year, she was not feeling well but told me that she
                    had to make this the best Thanksgiving ever. She worked her butt off, making it just that, just for the two of us to
                    enjoy. All the love, and the best it was and now the last it will ever be. How empty this year has been. She has always

                    been my Second Element, the very reason I lived—the reason for me wanting to live.

                    Nov. 25, 2020

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