P. 73

J oyselyn asked me Thursday if I would trim Her fingernails. I promised that I would, and when that time came, I was too

                   busy. The request to help her with nails came up again, and she lovingly forgave me once more. The next day she was in
                   so much pain. My last promise had gone by the wayside. It was so hard to hold back tears watching those beautiful
                   hands that served me so lovingly over the years...shake uncontrollably…So that last promise I made, I intend to keep

                   before she was laid to rest.
                   Joyselyn did not want to be embalmed, so the night she died they took her to Temple Texas to refrigerate till proper

                   funeral arrangements were made. The day she was to be laid to rest, Mark the funeral director gave me private time
                   with her to complete my one last promise. Did her nails, sang to her our song, and gave her my last kiss. She was still
                   just as beautiful as if I had just watched her fade into another peaceful night's sleep. I so much wanted to lay down

                   beside her.

                   Jan. 29, 2020

                   N  ot much do I care to view in the light of day at this time of my life. Find myself sleeping when the sun is awake. I

                   suffer the quiet and it's deafening most all the time. Still find myself walking in my Joyselyn’s room to check on her. So
                   lovely to look at peacefully sleeping. A sigh of relief for answered prayer and hope that Her dreams are just as lovely. I

                   forever will miss tucking Her in at night. Hand and foot massages, the smile of comfort and pleasure upon Her sweet
                   face. Sitting at Her side till she drifted off to sleep. Watching those beautiful deep brown eyes loving me as she softly
                   glides into another quiet and restful goodnight. A gentle kiss to seal my eternal love. Forever Yours my Love…Faithfully!

                   Jan. 30, 2020

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