Page 10 - MY BOY CHAZ_02
P. 10

Life is short and has no guarantees about what will be from one moment to the next. As each year keeps flickering, I am

                 reminded of how much my life has been blessed. Only God in Heaven could have been so kind.

                   I have always formed the words in my head as my heart dictated a letter meant to one day reach you, but as I see the
                 comments in print, they never seem to convey what I feel or want to say.

                   So many times, I have screwed up and turned good things into bad. I had doors opened to me and did not walk through
                 them. Let down many a person that put their trust in me. All the good intentions in the world, and I blew most of them out

                 of the park. Not to say that all was on me, but the bottom line was that I always made terrible decisions. Lots of crap I’m
                 not proud of and lots of memories I would like to forget. I have learned many of life’s lessons through trial and error. Many

                 times in these late years of life, I am still tested with them, at least partly, and I thank you for not holding my sins against
                 me. Thankful am I that they were not passed on to you.

                   Enough about me. I am writing this to let you know how much I love you. You are always in my heart, in my mind, and in

                 my prayers. How grateful I am that you are my son, my friend…I love seeing your name on my phone, hearing your voice at
                 the other end, and being there for me with my computer questions and problems. Giving me guidance and support when
                 life fails me, or more honestly, I fail it. You have always been a voice of encouragement with sound advice.

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