Page 6 - MY BOY CHAZ_02
P. 6

After meeting everyone at the police station, I had a purpose and a place to run. They took me in as if I was one of their own. I spent
                   many days with Al Massey and even a three-day weekend with him and his family. He always ensured that my parents knew where I was
                   and with whom I spent time.

                     Al worked with me and helped develop my interest in dog training. This became a lifelong event that became a career for me—I
                   learned to train dogs in obedience quickly. I taught other pet owners how to train their dogs during my summer months and after
                   school. It helped pay the way for my life habits and adventures.

                     Another officer named Roy Rodgers took me to the shooting range one day and let me shoot his 357 Python. Something else I need to
                   put on my got-to-have list. What fun, my visits to their department were always a fun-loving adventure. Oh, I was so in love with their

                   dispatcher. A brown-eyed beauty name Sandy Jo Testermen. Three years later, we went on a few dates; she had to set the record
                   straight, letting me know it could never go past being good friends. My very first heartbreak.

                     There were many fun-filled adventures in those days. As I mentioned earlier, GOD Protected me through it all. Good people help guide
                   me and point out the path I should take. Many good men were mentors that tried to lead me down that path, and of course, my Dad,
                   Steve, tried as well. There were a good many more, way too many to mention.

                     Interesting that my parents thought that any grown man outside of the family would find interest in me must have a perverted agenda.

                   Someone that likes little or young boys for their pleasure. My mentors and my friends never performed any out-of-the-way advances.
                   All Godly men. Men that I respected and loved. Men that would put me in line if I stepped over it in any way.

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